JazzRoc versus “Chemtrails”

Contrail Facts and “Chemtrail” Fictions

The Earth Rotates

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the real proof is what i see w/ my own eyes. a couple days ago i witness to planes in the sky, one stopped spraying, broke off to the right, while the one from the left cut in and began spraying where the previous one left off, the one that broke off to the right did not leave a trail of any type, contrails my ass, watch the skies, you’ll see the difference.



Ok, sammie, off you go outside and consider the Sun. There it goes, rising to the East of you, and setting to the West of you (when your “chemtrails” let you see it).
So START a movement NOW, called “The Sun goes around the Earth” movement. Teach those STUPID scientists a lesson. The Earth rotates your ass: “watch the skies, you’ll see the difference”!

Don’t get dizzy, Doomy.


Ridicule won’t help you, it never has. At this point in time your just funny to watch.
BTW your friend Epoxynous is having a hard time finding one science book that explains how contrails coming from a jet appear to go on and off because of the different humidities.
Why do you think he is having so much trouble?

You remind me of Monty Python’s parrot salesman. Even with a DEAD parrot, this oily creature is unable to break his lying habit, and comes up with increasingly desperate statements to justify a dead parrot, nailed to a perch. 


“Chemtrails” are bereft of life, they are LATE trails, they have gone to meet their “maker” – YOU.

you think the doctors are gonna actually tell you the truth, they’re too busy lining their own pockets w/ money from the pharmaceutical companies. when will people wake up to the fact that there is more money to be made in treating diseases than curing them. the elite don’t care about you, we are all expendable.

i was referring to the first few pictures of people in the hospital, the caption explains that they are people suffering from “unexplained illnesses”.

He’s a paid shill who’s just lost all credibility (not that he had any in the first place). There is OFFICIAL confirmation on this now*. So don’t let jazzroc bother you, he’s just doing what he’s told. Lie, lie, lie.


* I’m still waiting for my first paycheck – I need it to build a Tesla-powered orgone pork pie machine…  …so jlettis, please send me this official confirmation. 


Boy, was Ebendy mad when I wrote about him in my blog! He was really screaming mad! But my judgement of him was correct – his rage is that of some well-meaning middle-class person who’s too nice to be truly malevolent – and quite refreshing to receive, as a person who is really too nice to be capable of being really nasty. Anyway, I am quoting a moment when he is really in his element.

Finally a picture of the All White Jets (AWJ) seen in my vids spraying enormous trails! Ive seen these AWJs fly overhead in fighter formation. Usually when they do this, The lead is spraying and the two escorts on either side are doing nothing! Not even a Contrail! And absolutely silent. We all hear the sounds of a commercial airliner. So if all these A.W.J.s are spraying simultaneously, then the sounds would be amazing! Ive seen over 10 jets at one time! No sound! Thanks nicscics for the post!

Thank you, friend. You are right!

A disinfo agent, ted twit meyer, has posted a response on rense saying this is a test plane and those are water barrels…what?? way too complicated set up to be just a test plane and just water..I would not trust twitmeyer one bit.. he should be exposing chemtrails, not covering them up.**

Yes, I know… Look at the luggage drawers on the right side in the photo. Let’s consider the operations necessary to dismantle something. If you get an assembly of the interior of an aircraft for tests, you don’t have to mount the luggage drawers, because you do it after. Vice versa, when you dismantle, you remove only what you need to remove. On my opinion, it’s clear that this is not an aircraft used for some test, as many people guess, even if the furniture is similar to what is used for flight test. We can see that in an aircraft used for flight tests, there are not luggage drawers. It’s logic: this furniture is not assembled, before tests are over. But in the photo you can see this furniture, i.e. four luggage drawers. So I think that this is a (di)smantled airplane. Any other “information” against this hypothesis is, in my opinion, very suspicious.

incredible lol thx m8, they won’t stop trying to capture our minds.*


Maledetti, ci stanno uccidendo.
Grazie nicscics per il tuo impegno.
Una curiosità: perché hanno tutte quelle strumentazioni? Forse per analizzare gli effetti?

Penso che la strumentazione sia impiegata per gestire le irrorazioni in modo completamente automatico, anche perché la maggior parte dei velivoli osservati era senza cabina di pilotaggio e quindi… senza piloti.

No, ci deve essere qualcos’altro sotto. Per aprire delle valvole non servono tutti quei computer. Secondo me dosano le quantità in funzione delle condizioni atmosferiche per essere certi degli effetti.

(It’s amazing that these guys know already that this isn’t a prototype aircraft with water barrels for CG modification. They also know already that Mr. Twitmeyer is a “disinfo agent”. This would disappoint him, for he and I both know he’s a chemtrailer trying to prevent a lie from being told. We ALL know, in fact, that a “disinfo agent” is whoever disagrees with the latest chemtrailer-concocted lie.)

* I have a butterfly net with small holes for sale…

** This is to do with the Boeing 777 LR prototype fraud: “Inside a Chemical Tanker Sprayer”, which is a deliberate, fraudulent, cynical LIE:

This fraud is gently exposed here:



Look up “ectoplasm” on Wiki. It’s the fourth down on the disambiguation page. You’ll pop up in “contrails”, and it’s worth going to see “wingtip vortices”. Sharp reductions in pressure condense out water from the air. If that happens in supersaturated air, these trails REMAIN PERMANENT.


One of the biggest LIES in this video post is that ORDINARY contrails are NEVER permanent. 


“anything but regular passenger shuttle type” – What you show here is PERFECTLY NORMAL TRAFFIC.

“in “X” LIKE PATTERNS” – so in the MIDDLE of ordinary shuttle activities you have PRECISE MILITARY-STYLE MANOEVERS. A recipe for NUMEROUS AIR DISASTERS if it were EVER carried out.

“I live near a v large airport and have seen what goes on” – in the MIDDLE OF THE US with criss-crossing routes all around you?

“Nice try” or a “load of crock”. Make your mind up.

“tell fairy-tales” – Well, I’ve dug up the OFFICIAL VERSION (of fairy tales!), and it’s more succinct than mine. I’m sure you’d like it just for reference..

Contrails can remain visible for very long periods of time with the lifetime a function of the temperature, humidity, winds, and aircraft exhaust characteristics.

Contrails can form many shapes as they are dispersed by horizontal and vertical wind shear.

Sunlight refracted or reflected from contrails can produce vibrant and eye-catching colors and patterns.

Observation and scientific analysis of contrails and their duration date back to at least 1953.

The National Airspace System of the United States is oriented in an east-west and north-south grid with aircraft flying at designated 2000 foot increments of elevation (1000 feet after the introduction of Reduced Vertical Separation Minima in 2002-2004).

Contrails formed by aircraft may appear to form a grid as the winds disperse the contrails.

More contrails are seen in recent years due to the growth in the civil aviation market. 


The End of Little Grey Men and the truth about Roswell


This title may be retitled if you’re a chemtrailer as “Disinformationalist reveals All”, but if you have a modicum of scientific understanding my original title rings true. It’s longer than an hour, sorry, but it’s worth it.

This story begins with why small steel spheres were issued to United States Navy pilots during the War in the Pacific of WW2, why whales can and do swim down a thousand metres wherever they are in the deep oceans, and continues with the connection this had with US attempts to detect the first tests of nuclear weapons conducted by the USSR, and the connection with the Roswell New Mexico “crashed flying saucer” incident, and further connections to Tom Clancy’s book “The Hunt for Red October”.

It is a classic story of the real truth springing from the discovery of intrinsic properties of the Earth, and physical science, and the engineering applications (frequently most top secret), and a modern book and popular film of science fiction which sprang from that. Read the book – it’s better. In fact the US Navy recommends it to their recruits.

Real scientific factual truth is infinitely more fascinating than popular myth…

Physics 10 – Lecture 11: – Waves I



Tenerife is a volcanic island; one of a chain of volcanic islands called the Canary Islands, which bask in the sun a couple of hundred miles off the west-of-north African coast at about 27 degrees of latitude.

It comprises eighty-four volcanoes, and the tallest peak is Mt. Teide, which is about 12,000 feet above sea level. The prevailing wind is from the north-west, and El Medano is just off the end of the southern airport, Aeropuerto Reina Sofia, on the coast just east of south.

This is a picture of cloud cover over the mountain, which is quite a rare event in the summer, taken from my bedroom window.

The cloudbase is at about 7,000 feet. The tiny light area beneath the clouds to the far left is the town of Vilaflor, which, at 5,200 feet is the highest town in Spain. It takes its name from its fields, which in (a very early!) spring are carpeted with flowers. In the foreground you can see that the leeward side of the mountain is drier, and the land is rock and desert scrub. Don’t let it fool you – you have only to add water, and the place turns into a tropical paradise. We get a lot of blue skies, especially in the summer months. The blue skies of winter are wetter and sometimes we do see persistent contrails. Even so, it only rains heavily for two days in the year, normally, and the lowest temperature we have seen is 11 degrees C.

Hot, hot, hot!

Hot, hot, hot!

2 Responses

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  1. Hello Again Jazzy,

    Its been a while, my friend. I say that in open honesty. I have learned a lot about con/chemtrails since my first ’emotional’ days in ’07 on the ‘YouTube Scene’.

    You have actually done me and the people a great service. If there were no opposing factor, there would not be ‘screaming mad’ people looking even harder for real truth.

    There was one thing that you said that DID stick with me, and that was when you said, “The world needs some keen investigators”. How right you were.

    I understand now that disinformants exist for many reasons. Both pro and con. For me, its been the former.

    I dont need to make this long, just know that there was never any hard feelings, and nothing you ever said did I take personally. I guess the end justified the means…at least thats my perspective.

    Please have a ‘look-see’ at my lastest videos. I know what they are not. I think even you will be amazed at what I have filmed. (I think my stargate pictures may be a little much for now)

    Id really like to see your comment on them. Even if for ‘old times sake’

    Take Care and ‘Keep on Spammin’ lol


    Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCQsJ2bjx1U
    Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEN0YLEuNXU

    Ernie Moody

    September 30, 2009 at 6:09 am

    • Ebendy, you have an incurable optimism.
      Check out atoptics.co.uk (in the links). That will put you straight. Well it would do if you had the equipment for it.
      Check out “crepuscular shadows”. There’s quite a lot of similar material in contrailscience which recently covered your “circle of confusion” problem as well.
      Congrats for making it once more into my blog.
      I recommend you investigate ship trails. There’s an important story behind ship trails…


      October 3, 2009 at 1:47 pm

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