JazzRoc versus “Chemtrails”

Contrail Facts and “Chemtrail” Fictions

Posts Tagged ‘aluminium

Circle of Confusion

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Circle of Confusion – ChemCon Alert – Circus – Comment – Cone Trick – CREPUSCULAR SHADOWS

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Our hero here is ebendimention, who, with the careless confidence of a person who has never pushed himself to the limits of his understanding, is forging his brave new world with his videocam. He isn’t a mean-minded SOB like some of them, so I’m a little sympathetic, really. He writes to me:

Hey Jazz Roc…Take a gander at the video I posted here and watch in GREAT detail! Explain it all and you will go down in history as the most pathetic debunker of all time! Or can you do something so minuscule as clicking on my name? LOL You’ll find an enormous amount of debunking work to be done there… I’ll be waiting for your constructive criticism. 🙂


His video outline is this:


Get yourself a tripod. Learn to LOCK your videocam focus on INFINITY. Take note of the position of the sun, and try not to get distracted by plastic bags floating aloft.

Then you’ll have NOTHING to write home about… BECAUSE

1) The plane is DARK and BLUE LIGHT SCATTERING renders it invisible

2) The “UFO” is a plastic bag; they frequently get borne aloft

3) Point sources of light (sun reflected off spherical surfaces) form a CIRCLE OF CONFUSION in an out-of-focus image. (“Circle of confusion” is a great collective noun for chemtrailers!)

4) The SUN is ABOVE and BEHIND the aircraft. BENEATH it is a thin layer of CIRRUS on to which the SHADOW of the PLANE and TRAIL are PROJECTED.

Confusion, indeed! This is a classic example of ignorance… he flatly denies that shadows can be thrown onto cloud, and that the trail is between the Sun and the cloud… a case where he is unwilling to learn any geometry.

The rock’n’roll (some of my most favorite tracks of all time!) on this vid makes it worth listening to (sorry, ebendimention!). (I believe he meant to call himself EBEN DIMENSION!) 



There is a new website out there keenly focussed on the use and dangers of DHMO – called ChemCon Alert: – “The Sky Really Is Falling”.

This material has killed thousands, perhaps millions, of people in the past, and is theorized to be present in large quantities in the materials sprayed by aircraft in our skies.

Anyway, pay it a visit and see if you agree…




“No one today can possibly view that circus we call the “news” on tv and radio and not see and understand that we are being had” – I HAVE KNOWN THAT FOR THIRTY YEARS.

“you will then have your answer as to who are the perpetrators” – NO YOU WON’T.

“We are forcing them to play their hand” – THE HELL YOU ARE, YOU STUPID MEGALOMANIAC!

“There can be no doubt that the “theatres” around the world, are the Imperial Elitists creation” – THEY’RE ONLY PARTLY. OTHERS GATHER POWER IN THE LOCALITY.

“By-the-way you appear to take things very personally” – OF COURSE I DO. I’M A PERSON.

“it tells all of us here that you and your “friends” have a vested interest in hiding the truth” – I HAVE NO “FRIENDS” – NEITHER YOU NOR THEY LOOK PUKKA TO ME!

“I urge people to raise their heads and do their homework” – YEAH, YEAH, LOOK UP AND DON’T LEARN SCIENCE, BUY SNAKE OIL!



THIS is COMMENT – by Ludosophist: as succinct as it is possible to be and with a needle-sharp accuracy…

Man, you may be on to something about endemic irrationality. Since I posted that video calling into question the existence of chemtrails, I’ve gotten so many nasty comments and messages, people calling me a zombie and a shill, etc. Probably the most zealous are coming here from one of your comments, scrolling down, then dropping into my vid via your link and thinking that I’m like a tipping-point convert that they can influence. I grew up in the Catholic Church man, very averse to the smell of bullshit.

I think, however, that it would be productive to analyze why chemtrails are such a seductive thing to believe in. Part of it is the presentation, you get the propagation of a whole system of memes that seem fairly plausible, largely because they’re based on the more or less factual premise that the government would kill you if there were profit in it. Between the abuses of the constitution, a bankrupting war to secure oil for transnational corporations, 9-11 smoke and the collective hysteria that goes all the way back to Africanized bees (remember those?), it’s not surprising that people would find a global depopulation plan involving mass spraying to be grippingly plausible.

The easiest way to depopulate the planet? Constrain the supply of oil. It doesn’t even have to be intentional, the natural supply shows its expiry date, so you start buying up your shares, bidding up the futures market (futures determine what oil, already available for consumption, is marked for ownership by third parties) and bam, the tendencies of the market system endemically price people out of being able to eat. This is what people should be concerned about, they should be planting up their properties, or trying their damnedest to secure a few acres to plant up, and prepare. Economically, logistically, in real, day-to-day terms, the best thing people can do is encourage others to get into a position where they won’t starve, effecting less aggregate violence and chaos as things tighten.

The more you look to the skies and forget about the earth, the greater your chances of being doomed because you wasted your time in comment wars. 



Aviation fuel is not good to drink, but nor is it toxic in the same way that snake venom is.

When burnt and condensed it would make soda pop. A bit of filtering through charcoal might help to remove trace unburnt hydrocarbons, but after that you could sell it in your local store as soda pop. What about the sulfur dioxide, I here you ask? Well, add a little fruit cordial and it would help preserve the freshness of the fruit. The NOX? Ah, you got me there…..but when you consider that the THREE HUNDRED MILLION TONS of aviation fuel burnt every year represents an INCREASE in the atmosphere of FIVE MILLIONTHS OF ONE PER CENT, then you needn’t get too worried.

It might be better to worry about the FIFTEEN HUNDRED ACTIVE VOLCANOES that exist. Now they REALLY ARE active 24/7!

Imagine a cone 243 feet high, made of rock. That weighs a million tons. There’s quite a lot of volcanoes bigger than 243 feet high. Some are MILES high!

Now accept that weight for weight, volcanoes expel at least their own weight in gases, steam, and dust. Now imagine one thousand five hundred of them, working away, night after day, day after night.

Then consider there are possibly TEN THOUSAND ACTIVE VOLCANOES beneath the surface of the oceans. And remember that vulcanism is slowly dying on the Earth as it sheds its original heat and radioactivity.



My dear friend ebendimention came back to me, thanking me for my tutelage, so:

Hello Again Jazzy,

Its been a while, my friend. I say that in open honesty. I have learned a lot about con/chemtrails since my first ‘emotional’ days in ‘07 on the ‘YouTube Scene’.

You have actually done me and the people a great service. If there were no opposing factor, there would not be ’screaming mad’ people looking even harder for real truth.

There was one thing that you said that DID stick with me, and that was when you said, “The world needs some keen investigators”. How right you were.

I understand now that disinformants exist for many reasons. Both pro and con. For me, its been the former.

I dont need to make this long, just know that there was never any hard feelings, and nothing you ever said did I take personally. I guess the end justified the means…  at least that’s my perspective.

Please have a ‘look-see’ at my lastest videos. I know what they are not. I think even you will be amazed at what I have filmed. (I think my stargate pictures may be a little much for now)

Id really like to see your comments on them. Even if for ‘old times sake’

Take Care and ‘Keep on Spammin’ lol


He then enclosed videos of contrails with shadows…

WHat he needed to check out was http://www.atoptics.co.uk which could have straightened him out completely on some of the totally non-intuitive aspects of crepuscular shadows. It is in the blog links to the right.


And here is a shuttle launch with shadow it didn’t navigate down. The sound in this video is incredible – but true.

We are told that chemtrail craft navigate by “black laser light”. Really!

These people have never seen Micket Mouse’s rendition of “the Sorcerer’s Apprentice”… 🙂 I can’t provide the original Disney masterpiece, but here’s my synthesizer’s rendition of the music:
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice – Paul Dukas.


Conspiracy Theories

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Conspiracy theories find menace in contrails


A new conspiracy theory sweeping the Internet and radio talk shows has set parts of the federal government on edge.

The theory: The white lines of condensed water vapor that jets leave in the sky, called contrails, are actually a toxic substance the government deliberately sprays on an unsuspecting populace.

Federal bureaucracies have gotten thousands of phone calls, e-mails and letters in recent years from people demanding to know what is being sprayed and why. Some of the missives are threatening.

It’s impossible to tell how many supporters these ideas have attracted, but the people who believe them say they’re tired of getting the brush-off from officials. And they’re tired of health problems they blame on “spraying.”

“This is blatant. This is in your face,” says Philip Marie Sr., a retired nuclear quality engineer from Bartlett, N.H., who says the sky above his quiet town is often crisscrossed with “spray” trails.

“No one will address it,” he says. “Everyone stonewalls this thing.”

The situation Marie and others describe is straight out of The X-Files. He and others report one day looking up at the sky and realizing that they were seeing abnormal contrails: contrails that lingered and spread into wispy clouds, multiple contrails arranged in tick-tack-toe-like grids or parallel lines, contrails being laid down by white planes without registration numbers.


Believers call these tracks “chemtrails.” They say they don’t know why the chemicals are being dropped, but that doesn’t stop them from speculating. Many guess that the federal government is trying to slow global warming with compounds that reflect sunlight into the sky. Some propose more ominous theories, such as a government campaign to weed out the old and sick.

Exasperated by persistent questions, the Environmental Protection Agency, NASA, the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration joined forces last fall to publish a fact sheet explaining the science of contrail formation. A few months earlier, the Air Force had put out its own fact sheet, which tries to refute its opponents’ arguments point by point.

“If you try to pin these people down and refute things, it’s, ‘Well, you’re just part of the conspiracy,’ ” says atmospheric scientist Patrick Minnis of NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va. “Logic is not exactly a real selling point for most of them.”


Nothing is “out there” except water vapor and ice crystals, say irritated scientists who study contrails. Some, such as Minnis, are outraged enough by the claims of chemtrail believers that they have trolled Internet chat rooms to correct misinformation or have gotten into arguments with callers.

“Conspiracy nonsense,” snorts Kenneth Sassen, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Utah. “These things are at 30,000 to 40,000 feet in the atmosphere. They’re tiny particles of ice. They’re not going to affect anyone.”

The cloud-forming contrails that conspiracy theorists find so ominous are “perfectly natural,” Minnis says. The odd grid and parallel-line patterns are easily explained as contrails blown together by the wind, scientists say.





Normal contrails DO form in fairly high humidity. When formed in 100% humidity they will NEVER disappear. If the humidity of that particular stratospheric layer is REDUCED, then in exact proportion the life of that trail will be reduced. This CAN happen; the layer can be lifted from beneath by a rising CUMULUS cloud in the troposphere. But the typical way they disappear is that LOCAL to the trail, the humidity has already been increased by the processes forming the trail: over time the increased humidity “leaks” away from the locality by gaseous diffusion, allowing the trail (of ice crystals) to sublime back into water vapor. Otherwise generally over time, layers FALL, COOL, humidity rises, trails get bigger. 


There is a new and ominous controversy concerning aircraft contrails and their supposed ill-effects. People with little or no scientific understanding are whipping up a furore over – nothing. This tends to leave all the real ills of the world unattended, and let’s face it, those we know of already are too great and too many to be sufferable. But how much worse it is when the (already!) deluded dream up new imaginary ills! With too much on our plates already, we are forced to concern ourselves with additional spurious delusions which, if they were to be taken seriously, would diminish our capacity to adapt to change, and ultimately to survive the upcoming onslaught.


A typical passenger transport plane (medium haul) burns 30 tons of fuel and thus unloads 30 tons of ice and 20 tons of gaseous oxides (mostly carbon dioxide) into the stratosphere every trip it makes.


The troposphere contains about 80% of the atmosphere and is the part of the atmosphere in which we live, and make weather observations. In this layer, average temperatures decrease with height. This is known as adiabatic cooling, i.e. a change in temperature caused by a decrease in pressure. Even so, it is still more prone to vertical mixing by convective and turbulent transfer, than other parts of the atmosphere. These vertical motions and the abundance of water vapour make it the home of all important weather phenomena. It is turbulent and unstable because it is at its warmest at its base. The troposphere’s thermal profile is largely the result of the heating of the Earth’s surface by incoming solar radiation. Heat is then transferred up through the troposphere by a combination of convective and turbulent transfer.


This is in direct contrast with the stratosphere, where warming is the result of the direct absorption of solar radiation. It is at its coldest at its base, and is stable and non-turbulent. If you have ever observed (or been in) a house fire, and looked up at the ceiling of a room with a fire in it, there you can see that the behaviour of the air is similar: the hottest part of the fire is against the ceiling, and the layers of air beneath (at decreasing temperatures) are stratified and somewhat mysteriously stable.

The troposphere is around 16 km high at the equator, with the temperature at the tropopause around –80 °C. At the poles, the troposphere reaches a height of around 8 km, with the temperature of the tropopause around –40 °C in summer and –60 °C in winter.


Annual passenger jet aircraft fuel consumption is estimated to be 300 million tons. That may seem a lot, but it’s a CUBE with sides a hundred yards long. in actual fact.


The weight of the atmosphere is 5.25 petatonnes.


One can see (using a quick calculation) that, as a proportion of the weight of the atmosphere, the burnt fuel comprises FIVE MILLIONTHS OF A PER CENT. It would take 200,000 years to half-fill the atmosphere with aircraft exhaust emissions at their present rate!

Now, the water, the gaseous oxides and sulphates may have a hardly appreciable effect on Global Warming (they are only 3.5% of anthropogenic combustion), but are as NOTHING when compared with the Earth’s volcanoes.

There are 1,500 active volcanoes on land and maybe TEN THOUSAND active volcanoes under the sea. Beneath are a few links:


The term “active” means “constantly emitting steam, gases, magma, and ash”. It is hard to quantify the total emitted by the land volcanoes, but let us assume they average a million tons of each per year. That will give us fifteen hundred million tons of steam, fifteen hundred million tons of gases, fifteen hundred million tons of magma, fifteen hundred million tons of ash.

“Hey”, you might say, “aren’t you making free with all those hundred millions of tons?” – and I would answer you thus: “A million tons of rock makes a cone 243 feet high. So I’m suggesting that the annual volcanic production of rock is equivalent to fifteen hundred of these rock cones. See what I mean?”

To put that estimate into perspective, the largest known eruption, Tambora, put 200 million tons of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere in a single event!


Getting back to the point, it can be reasonably argued that contrails are at least FIFTEEN TIMES LESS IMPORTANT THAN VOLCANOES when it comes to having an effect on our atmosphere, whether warming it or cooling it…

So forget ALL of this bullfish about contrails/chemtrails. Yadda barium, yadda aluminum, yadda cooling, yadda dimming, yadda morgellons, yadda toxins……..You can bet your boots that anyone who advocates this idea is an ignorant dupe, with NO IDEA of the magnitude of the Earth and the events that truly moderate its climate.



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Contrails or vapor trails are condensation trails and artificial cirrus clouds made by the exhaust of aircraft engines or wingtip vortices which precipitate a stream of tiny ice crystals in moist, frigid upper air. Being composed of water, the visible white streams are not, in and of themselves, air pollution. However, contrails generated by engine exhaust are inevitably linked with typical fuel combustion pollutants. Contrails might also be considered visual pollution.

* 1 Condensation from engine exhaust
* 2 Condensation from wing-tip pressure
* 3 Contrails and climate
3.1 September 11, 2001 climate impact study
* 4 See also
* 5 Related matters
* 6 References
* 7 External links

How a Turbo Fan Jet Engine Works

The main products of hydrocarbon fuel combustion are carbon dioxide and water vapor.

At high altitudes this water vapor emerges into a cold environment, and the local increase in water vapor can push the water content of the air past saturation point. The vapor then condenses into tiny water droplets and/or desublimates into ice. These millions of tiny water droplets and/or ice crystals form the contrails. The energy drop (and therefore, time and distance) the vapor needs to condense accounts for the contrail forming some way behind the aircraft’s engines. The majority of the cloud content comes from water trapped in the surrounding air.  At high altitudes, supercooled water vapor requires a trigger to encourage desublimation. The exhaust particles in the aircraft’s exhaust act as this trigger, causing the trapped vapor to rapidly turn to ice crystals. Exhaust contrails usually occur at above 26,000 feet. where the temperature is below -40°C (-40°F).

Condensation from wing-tip pressure

Main article: wingtip vortices


The wings of an airplane cause a drop in air pressure in the vicinity of the wing. This brings with it a drop in temperature, which can cause water to condense out of the air and form a contrail but only at higher altitudes. At lower altitudes, this phenomenon is also known as “ectoplasm.” Ectoplasm is more commonly seen during high energy maneuvers like those of a fighter jet, or on jet liners during takeoff and landing, at areas of very low pressure, including over the wings, and often around turbo-fan intakes on takeoff.

Contrails and climate


Contrails, by affecting cloud formation, can act as a radiative forcing. Studies have found that contrails trap outgoing longwave radiation emitted by the Earth and atmosphere (positive radiative forcing) at a greater rate than they reflect incoming solar radiation (negative radiative forcing).

Therefore, the overall effect of contrails is warming. However, the effect varies daily and annually, and overall the size of the forcing is not well known: globally (for 1992 air traffic conditions), values range from 3.5 mW/m² to 17 mW/m². Other studies have determined that night flights are most responsible for the warming effect: while accounting for only 25% of daily air traffic, they contribute 60 to 80% of contrail radiative forcing.

Similarly, winter flights account for only 22% of annual air traffic, but contribute half of the annual mean radiative forcing.

September 11, 2001 climate impact study


It had been hypothesized that in regions such as the United States with heavy air traffic, contrails affected the weather, reducing solar heating during the day and radiation of heat during the night by increasing the albedo. The suspension of air travel for three days in the United States after September 11, 2001 provided an opportunity to test this hypothesis. Measurements did show that without contrails the local diurnal temperature range (difference of day and night temperatures) was about 1 degree Celsius higher than immediately before; however, it has also been suggested that this was due to unusually clear weather during the period.


See also

* Aviation and climate change
* Cirrus cloud
* Global dimming
* Ship tracks
* List of environment topics
* Chemtrail conspiracy theory

Related matters

* Aurora aircraft are hypothesized high-technology Black project aircraft which leave “donuts-on-a-rope” contrails.

(But “donuts-on-a-rope” contrails are known to be an occasional consequence of the normal wave vortex of normal aircraft. The two vortices which comprise the wave vortex of an aircraft occasionally grow to interfere with each other, and generate coupled vortices at right angles to the original pair. These look like “smoke rings”, or “donuts”. See “The Crow Instability” in “Trails from Space”: https://jazzroc.wordpress.com/2008/11/20/03-trails-seen-from-space/ )


1. NASA, Contrail Education FAQ
2. Ponater et al., GRL, 32 (10): L10706 2005
3. Stuber, Nicola; Piers Forster, Gaby Rädel, Keith Shine (June 15, 2006). “The importance of the diurnal and annual cycle of air traffic for contrail radiative forcing”. Nature 441: 864-867. DOI:10.1038/nature04877.
4. Travis et al., J. Climate, 17, 1123-1134, 2004
5. Kalkstein and Balling Jr., Climate Research, 26, 1-4, 2004

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to:

* Contrails.nl: Pictures of Contrails and Aviation Cirrus (-Smog), from 1995 on.
* Abstract of article in Nature announcing research results of contrail temperature change study
* Clouds Caused By Aircraft Exhaust May Warm The U.S. Climate
* Contrails over the USA
* Effects of contrails on ground astronomy
* Contrail simulator (Java applet) — interactively shows how temperature and humidity of the surrounding air affect contrail formation and characteristics
* Contrails: What’s Left Behind Is Bad News, article by Nick Onkow from March 4, 2006
* Night flights give bigger boost to global warming


An Article by Airliners.net

Contrails: What’s Left Behind Is Bad News
By Nick Onkow

Nick Onkow offers an informative and illuminating exposé on the detrimental effects of contrails to our environment. Contained herein is an undeniably important article not just because of its content, but because it breaches a topic so commonly overlooked, and so consistently regarded as harmless.

“Our ideals, laws and customs should be based on the proposition that each generation, in turn, becomes the custodian rather than the absolute owner of our resources and each generation has the obligation to pass this inheritance on to the future.”


There is some irony in that statement which defends the argument that it is the obligation of the living population of Earth to leave an environment in the best condition it can for the succeeding generation. Why the irony? It was said by world famous aviator Charles Lindbergh, the first pilot to cross the Atlantic Ocean alone. He was concerned about the way the environment was beginning to be affected by humans on an increasingly larger scale and at the time, his aerial view of land development was rare.

Today the aviation industry is larger than many people would have ever imagined it would be and it is only going to grow more as the population of Earth climbs past six billion and national economies grow with it. The nature of commercial aviation includes some detrimental results to the environment. Fuel is burned and the exhaust fills the atmosphere, but cars, trains, and ships do the same. Jet aircraft, however, have a unique form of harming the environment that is associated exclusively with them: contrails. They are the long, thin clouds that are blasted out of the exhaust nozzle of jet engines at high altitudes. Some days they fade away within a few minutes and they pose no threat. It is the days that perfect conditions exist when they do their damage, drifting and expanding to several thousand square miles and blanketing the lowest atmosphere of Earth through the night, unnaturally trapping heat. Some argue that contrails have no effect on the environment but evidence indicates this opinion is not valid. Several solutions to the problem exist. Jets could fly at different altitudes, or engine standards could be raised so that insurance rates are less for those that are friendlier to the environment. Knowledge from the military stealth aircraft program could be incorporated into civilian aviation to avoid contrails, or contrail forecasts could be incorporated into flight planning process so that contrail-prone routes and altitudes are avoided. Contrary to some opinions, contrails have indeed helped raise the temperature of North America and the entire planet since the start of the jet age and continue to do so, making a long-term plan to reduce them a plan that needs to be initiated.


Photo © Josef P. Willems

Contrails are essentially clouds and are the same effect as seeing one’s breath on a cold, damp day. The narrow bands of ice crystals gradually expand into a cirrus-type high-altitude cloud if conditions are just right. Just how often are the conditions conducive to their formation? “At flight altitudes, conditions that support contrail-generated cirrus exist 10% – 20% of the time in clear air and within standing cirrus”. Although this is a small percentage, the diverse weather of North America coupled with the staggering number of commercial flights in the air results in at least some part of the United States being good contrail weather on any given day. Worldwide, contrails are estimated to cover 0.1% of the Earth’s surface area and that number is forecast to rise to 0.5% by 2050.

There is some debate over just how effective this cirrus cloud coverage is at raising the average temperature of the land it covers. A NASA study conducted in the USA between 1975 and 1994 found the average temperature to have increased by 1°F . Though a single degree may seem trivial, the incredibly large scale that it applies to makes it significant since just 9°F separates our current average temperature from the last Ice Age. In one study conducted by meteorologist Keith P. Shine, data from satellites was used to prove that only one percent of the increase in clouds throughout the world has been from aircraft. There are also inherent flaws in some of the research performed by NASA. One problem is the difficulty that scientists have distinguishing a suspected contrail cloud from a natural cirrus cloud in satellite images. Skeptics of the theory that contrails do not have an impact on weather argued this theory with some success until a significant event occurred in North America, the main testing grounds of contrail research.

Contrails or Cirrus Clouds? - Newfoundland, 7 May 1999

Contrails or Cirrus Clouds? - Newfoundland, 7 May 1999

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 was the aforementioned event, and it was likely to have excited meteorological researchers involved in contrail impact studies. The national airspace was shut down for three days, something that had not yet occurred since the jet age began in the 1960s and is not likely to occur ever again. Scientists took advantage of this unique three day period in history that lacked contrails. What they learned was shocking and is enough evidence to effectively silence any counterargument to their case. One measure of climate is the average daily temperature range (DTR). For thirty years this had been recorded and extra cirrus clouds in the atmosphere would reduce this range by trapping heat. “September 11 – 14, 2001 had the biggest diurnal temperature range of any three-day period in the past 30 years,” said Andrew M. Carleton. Not in three decades had there been such a large temperature spread between the daytime highs and the nighttime lows. Furthermore, the increase in DTR during those three days was more than double the national average for regions of the United States where contrail coverage was previously known to be most abundant, such as the midwest, northeast, and northwest regions. The specific increase in the range was 2°F, which in three days was twice the amount the average temperature had increased over a thirty years time period. This is evidence that contrails do alter the climate of the land they drift above.

Northeastern U.S., 11 Feb. 1999

Northeastern U.S., 11 Feb. 1999

There are several methods that can be explored that will help reduce the role that contrails play in global warming. The easiest way to avoid this global warming through contrail cirrus clouds is to have jets fly at different altitudes. Flying higher than the typical 30,000 to 40,000 feet would usually stop contrails from forming, as would flying lower. Each of these options is, unfortunately, made unrealistic by consequences associated with them. Besides performance limitations of the aircraft above the normal cruising altitudes, airplanes begin flying in the lowest layer of ozone that is found in the tropopause (the dividing line between the lowest two layers of the atmosphere). As for flying lower, the decrease in altitude results in denser air and higher air resistance. This increases fuel burn, which increases the amount of carbon dioxide emitted, negating any benefits from eliminating contrails.

Ruling out drastic changes in altitude, another option might be to increase the emission standards of jet engines and with that only insure airplanes with the newer, cleaner engines. Tests were performed with a NASA jet aircraft examining the effect of sulfur levels in jet fuel exhaust. During the airborne test one engine was run on normal jet fuel and the other engine was run on fuel that emitted exhaust with a lower sulfur content. The high sulfur engine, representing most jet engines on modern commercial aircraft, produced a contrail that lasted through a larger range of temperatures and formed faster out of the engine. The low sulfur engine did the opposite. “Aircraft generate an invisible aerosol trail which enhances the background level of condensation nuclei, in particular regions with dense air traffic at northern latitudes and near the tropopause”. These condensation nuclei are the tiny particles that give water vapor the ability to condense to liquid droplets. The International Civil Aviation Organization is in favor of making polluting, obsolete aircraft uninsurable. While this option would not completely eliminate contrails, it would narrow the window of conditions needed to form them, making them less common.

Photo © Josef P. Willems

Photo © Josef P. Willems

A third solution to avoiding the large-scale creation of contrails is just that – avoidance. Partly through military research, new methods of forecasting the formation of contrails have been learned. This was a result of stealth aircraft that are not detectable by radar but are easily spotted from the ground if a contrail is following it. A program was initiated by the Air Force Weather Agency with the goal of improved contrail prediction techniques by closely examining the weather that was conducive to their formation. The program, run in 2000, used radiosondes (weather balloons) to measure water vapor content and temperature at different altitudes compared to actual observations of aircraft in the area. The end result was a success: “The statistical model produced a correct diagnosis of contrail occurrence or nonoccurrence for 85% of the observations”. Statistical contrail forecasting, then, is the easiest way for this problem to start being dealt with. Returning to the fact that only 10% to 20% of the country’s airspace is conducive to forming contrails at any given time, that leaves at least eighty percent available for use, and that is not even accounting for the third dimension of altitude which could be used in avoidance.

One way to do this would be to equip each aircraft with a device that detects the conditions that were confirmed in the Air Force study as being conducive to contrail formation3. The Federal Aviation Administration or Environmental Protection Agency could monitor these from the ground to see when an aircraft is flying in one of these areas. Incentives to use other airspace or altitudes could be put in place to reduce the number of jets flying there, such as reduced taxes on fuel or airport fees, or an extra tax or fine on aircraft that fly through the airspace that will leave a cirrus cloud drifting behind.

The North Sea, 15 May 1998

The North Sea, 15 May 1998

Unfortunately, aviation will always have some detrimental impact on the environment. What is most important, then, is reducing those impacts to the extent practicable. Through studies it has become apparent that contrails expanding into cirrus clouds do have some impact on the weather and the environment. Global warming is already a concern, and although the extent to which contrails are contributing to global warming is debatable, it cannot be argued that they have no effect. Using weather forecasting to predict areas where cirrus clouds will form from contrails should eventually be used in combination with devices on aircraft and cleaner engines with lower emissions (especially of contents such as sulfuric acid) to actively reduce the negative effects of contrails. As the aviation industry grows, limiting its negative impact on the environment will be a difficult challenge, and reducing the amount of heating that has already taken place as a result of high-flying aircraft will be an even greater challenge.

Photo © Jeffwell

Photo © Jeffwell

1. Carleton, Andrew M. “Climatology: Contrails Reduce Daily Temperature Range.” Nature. 8 August 2002.
2. Graham-Rowe, Duncan. “High Flyers are Scourge of the Skies.” New Scientist. 19 October 2002, Vol. 176, Issue 2365.
3. Jackson, Artie. “Statistical Contrail Forecasting.” Journal of Applied Meteorology. February 2001, Vol. 40, Issue 2.
4. Minnis, Patrick. “Contrail Frequency over the United States from Surface Observations.” Atmospheric Sciences Research. NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA. 12 August 2002.
5. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Operational Significant Event Imagery Image of the Day, February 11 1999.
6. Schumann, U. “In Situ Observations of Particles in Jet Aircraft Exhausts and Contrails for Different Sulfur-Containing Fuels.” Journal of Geographical Research. 1996, Vol. 101, Issue D3.
7. Watson, Traci. “Plane Trails in Sky Turn Up the Heat Below, Study Suggests.” USA Today. 29 April 2004.

Written by Nick Onkow. Nick Onkow is a pilot, a flight instructor, and a photographer, whose photographs can be found here at airliners.net. Based on the amount of study invested in this topic, we consider him an expert on contrails and their environmental effects.


IsuA380B777 2006-03-10 – Dear Nick. An excellent and well researched article. Regards

N62NA 2006-03-12 – Very well put together. I hope other a.netters will take the time to read through your excellent article.

AFEaviator 2006-03-14 – Very interesting article! I know you article is directed specifically at contrails, but you mention the wide temperature variance during the no fly days post 9/11. I am curious if the margin was less or more in large commercial traffic cities. There has been some very interesting studies about large cities producing their own weather effects and I am curious how this no-fly time period may have affected them.

KLM685 2006-03-18 – Congratulations for this piece of excellent work! I used to have geography classes with this teacher from Alaska. She always condemned everything she considered as pollution…that means everything. So one day she talked about how contrails damaged the atmosphere, etc… Thanks to this article I’m now able to put the puzzle together. Amazing research. Well done! Alonsou

Xjramper 2006-03-26 – Very interesting read. There are two things I would like to argue. One was weather. That information seems to be lacking, to prove that the drastic change in the temperatures were not caused by a massive frontal system. The other thing that I see is that it was a 3 day observation. What this is telling me is that the earth reversed 40+ years (14,600+ days) of jet pollution and showed that great of a climatic change in 3 days. Seems a little unrealistic to me. zach

Goboeing 2006-03-26 – The jet pollution from the preceding 40 years of flying did not disappear. What did disappear for three days were the jets that produced the contrails that form cirrus clouds. The cirrus clouds expand, drift, and trap heat at night. That results in less cooling. During the three days, there were no contrails over the U.S. and therefore no jet-made cirrus clouds to trap the heat. Nick

Xjramper 2006-03-27 – First, I did not say they disappeared. Secondly, I would like to see numbers that were recorded during this time. Is there a link that these are available? Because I randomly looked at 5 cities around the country and noticed little to no difference to the change in temperature. Thanks…zach

Goboeing 2006-03-27 – The fourth source at the bottom of the article has the numbers I think you are looking for. It is fairly lengthy but they are in there. Picking five cities at random does not give an accurate idea of a change in the usual daily temperature range (DTR). You’d have to compare the min and max temperatures in 24 hour periods and frontal systems and local weather can affect that. Nick

Tornado82 2006-04-06 – Sorry Nick, nice editorial opinion article but scientific evidence isn’t gathered in 3 days of records to research something as long-term as climatologic facts. Your sampling is simply way too small, and is heavily affected by the unrelated climatology of that three-day span. This is why most of us in the meteorological community never embraced the “findings” of the September 11th tragedy timeframe as anything but a loose hypothesis.

Just prior to 9/11 was one of the first pattern-shifting frontal passages of the transition season for that fall. Meteorological/climatological fall begins Sept 1, regardless of the equinox. The atmosphere was relatively dry across much of the nation, with crystal-clear skies (even before the tragedy occurred) thanks to the strong high pressure over that period, and still the relatively high Mid-September sun angle. The day time temperatures soared with a well mixed, dry atmosphere across much of the country, especially the Northeastern quadrant where contrails would typically be most prevalent, and where the most observing stations are. A nearly 1030 mb high pressure is quite strong for that time of year, and was anchored over our country bringing a shot of polar air with it. Of course, as will almost always happen in one of these types of atmospheres, decoupling occurred at night. No more mixing is occuring in the atmosphere, the wind becomes very calm, and cold air quickly sinks to the surface with no vertical motion (mixing) to support it. This happens nearly every time you get one of these types of atmospheric setups, it is just that people looked at it with more interest due to the lack of contrails. Additionally, with the upper-level atmospheric setup over much of that time, contrails would not have been very prevalent anyways.

The larger-than-usual diurnal range was caused simply by a very well mixed atmosphere in the daytime, with a very decoupled atmosphere at night, and the magnification of this type of atmospheric setup occuring over a large portion of the nation at the time. Adding to the huge diurnal range is that this occurred when the SST’s and Great Lakes, and any other water-body surface temperatures are near their annual peaks, eliminating any “sea breeze” or “lake breeze” effect to moderate the temperatures. Based on the surface dew points, sky conditions, and decoupling leading to lack of nighttime winds in the time period studied, the low temperatures are right where they should have been. You would have needed much more time to sample effect, or a very sophisticated computer modelling system to replicate the event. So far, neither has happened, and I pray to God that there is no more chance of another catastrophe closing our nation’s airspace in a similar manner.

Bwood 2006-04-17 I find this article hard to believe. The idea that the clouds that form from contrails are trapping in heat to me sounds ridiculous. Now before you attack me I know that clouds do trap heat and can keep temperatures higher at night but the clouds we are talking about are at 30000-50000ft. They are so thin you can see through them. For the heat to be trapped at ground level they would have to be lower and only a few hundred to thousand feet off the surface. Also over half the world’s entire atmosphere is between ground level and 8000 feet. If these contrails were lower then maybe but not at thirty to forty thousand feet. I know that the ozone is high up in the upper atmosphere as well but this is a layer of gas that is supposed to block in radiation from the sun. Clouds do not have the same affect. The sun’s radiation goes through clouds and that is why you can get sunburned on a cloudy day. The radiation also can bounce back up through the clouds to the ozone layer. The radiation is what harms us and the atmosphere. It is not that heat itself bounces back from the ozone layer it is the sun’s radiation that bounces back that heats up our atmosphere. Tell me how warm it is on a winter’s night when it is totally clear and 10 degrees below zero then tell me how extra warm it feels when there are some cirrus clouds at 50000ft and it is supposed to be ten degress below zero. It will feel exactly the same. I think the real danger comes from the jet exhaust itself and not water vapor 6-9 miles off the ground. I also feel that there are far greater polluters in this world. Read March 06’s National Geographic that came out on coal plants. There is where we are going to kill our planet. That and cars. Coal plants are the real danger. Jets burn jet A which is basically kerosene or a slightly modified diesel fuel. This has its advantages since it produces only hydrocarbons as pollutants and emits no sulfur or nitrogen pollutants like cars or power plants, however it does produce carbon dioxide. That is a study that should be done. What are the affects of carbon dioxide in the upper atmosphere? I think that the study (or I should say so-called study) done for the three days after 9/11 is not anything that you can come to a conclusion from. It is only three days of data and you can not call something like that a fact after only three days of data. There are too many factors that can cause interference with this so called tested and true study. You would need years of data in different conditions and weather to figure out if this was true. I really cannot accept the idea that contrails that are just water vapor are covering the sky, blocking in the heat from the ground and warming our planet by several degress. If that was the case then everyday that we have clouds the temperature of the earth should rise and cause global warming. People have to remember that there is more than one factor that goes into our climate and weather patterns. I agree that airplanes are pollutors and that something should be done about it. However aviation right now does not have the technology to make “hybrid or alternative fuel planes.” Ethanol is being tested for smaller piston engines but is only in the earliest experimental stages. You are not going to see an Airbus A380 running on corn or hydrogen anytime soon. I think that more research should be done to try and eventually turn planes away from petroleum and to another clean source but it is decades away. We should try to focus our “energy” on making cars and powerplants (by far the greatest polluters on our planet) carbon dioxide-free within the next ten to twenty years. It is possible but the red tape and political issues are enormous. We all need to write our congressmen and women along with the president to get more funding and support for zero emission power plants and cars. Which by the way as of right now we know how to make coal plants and cars zero emisson but no one is doing it on the large scale. Let’s focus our interests on the big and correctable polluters first and then expand out from there.

Mdgg2009 2006-06-23 Chemtrails, not contrails. 😦

Apart from the grisly flatus of that final comment, my reasoning agrees with Tornado82. There were other reasons for the figures for that 3-day period which make more sense to me. The conclusions of the article are not correct.

However I heartily recommend Airliners.net as a high-quality source of pictures, news, and comment…


on 25 Jun 2008 Post 126 the Gregger

so basicly what this website is telling me is that everything i see in the sky is normal. tick tack toe grid patterns are normal and when the sky is covered from horizon to horizon with “Jet crap” i should just go outside and do some strenuous activities, breath deep and don’t worry?

Hanfbauer bei der Ernte

I’m sorry Shill. i don’t buy it. Where are the bees?


why is there more statick electricity in the air (more now than i have ever noticed)? I know what HAARP is.


i know what a cloud is.


and i know what a shill is!


…….over a thousand tornadoes this year in the midwest. A “freek” electrical storm in June in california.!


Can’t wait for that sack of cement to come flying through my roof on the fourth of july when they’re trying to make a “Nice day” for us to view the fireworks.


Oh hey and make sure you catch the olympics in china this year. Should be nice out. They’ve forcasted no rain for the duration of the games. Sweet! Hard hat and suntan lotion.! ……..as for the “suckerfish” on the tail of that plane? well i hate to say it but my little HP foto devise is a piece of poo. i’m in the market for a faster camera with a fat zoom so I can get those fotos my debunker friends need to see. ……time to go out and play. I see a little square of blue sky left out there. better go get in it before it becomes a concloud. breath deep SR#$%^.


From Uncinus of contrailscience.com as of 24.04.09, an early photo of WW2 trails...

From Uncinus of contrailscience.com as of 24.04.09, an early photo of WW2 trails…


High Clouds (Family A): Cirrus (Ci) • Cirrus uncinus • Cirrus Kelvin-Helmholtz colombia • Cirrostratus (Cs) • Cirrocumulus (Cc) • Pileus • Contrail
Middle Clouds (Family B): Altostratus (As) • Altostratus undulatus • Altocumulus (Ac) • Altocumulus undulatus • Altocumulus mackerel sky • Altocumulus castellanus • Altocumulus lenticularis
Low Clouds (Family C): Stratus (St) • Nimbostratus (Ns) • Cumulus humilis (Cu) • Cumulus mediocris (Cu) • Stratocumulus (Sc)
Vertical Clouds (Family D): Cumulonimbus (Cb) • Cumulonimbus incus • Cumulonimbus calvus • Cumulonimbus with mammatus • Cumulus congestus • Cumulus castellanus • Pyrocumulus • Pyrocumulonimbus

cumulus congestus

cumulus congestus


Statement 1 – “contrails form at a wing-span distance from bottom of plane”. – UNTRUE. The formation distance behind the plane depends on its VELOCITY, AND THE TEMPERATURE AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY OF THE AMBIENT AIR. Your statement is a rough approximation only.

Statement 2 – “sudden short gaps in the trails” – ARE CAUSED BY PLANES FLYING THROUGH “WAVES” OF MORE HUMID AIR, rather like dolphins swimming through waves in the sea.

Statement 3 – “same time try to explain their day-long endurance/spreading claiming the higher levels have uniform saturation. – FALSE. THEY SPREAD IN SATURATED AIR. AT WHATEVER HEIGHT.


Statement 5 – “Spiderwebs” LIE

Statement 6 – “Anthrax” LIE


A brief history of “Chemtrails”


“Chemtrails” are supposedly long lasting contrails that are being deliberately created by the government for some sinister purpose. In reality, these contrails just look like normal contrails. It’s a fringe conspiracy theory that spread over the internet, mutating as it goes for survivability. But where did it begin? What is the origin of the word “chemtrail”, and who started this particular conspiracy theory?

Google Groups archives internet news-groups back to 1981, but the earliest mention of chemtrails was from May 8th, 1999: on alt.fan.art-bell: “this cartilage gel that Art’s plugging could be used for the joint ache that chemtrail victims complained about last night… say… wait a minute…maybe chemtrails were deployed to boost cartilage gel sales…! Here we have mention of chemtrail victims, and “joint ache” as a symptom.*


* “Joint ache” is a symptom of both diabetes and arthritis, which are known to be consequential to being over-weight. The western diet is the most likely causative agent in these cases.

In may of 1999, we have this: CHEMTRAILS OVER AMERICA Issue #2 April 7-16, 1999: “dear friends and concerned sky-watchers”, a March 17, 1999 radio interview going out to 15 million listeners – again referencing the Art Bell show. So it seems that radio show was perhaps the start of the phenomena. The “Chemtrails over America” bulletin apparently had issue #1 on march 9, 1999. That also seems to be about the time people started taking photos of normal contrails.

Judging by the earliest postings, it seems like hypochondria plays a large part. People start to connect the contrails with illness, and suspect they must contain some kind of poison.

Looking at the previous year (1998) on usenet, there is NO mention of chemtrails. The word “contrail” crops up 324 times, mostly in reference to meteors and rockets. There are a few references to the affect of contrails on climate change. But NOTHING about deliberate contrail creation, or anything like “chemtrails”.


The web site chemtrailcentral.com was registered on May 6th, 2000, about a year after the “chemtrail” idea was created. The earliest archived page from there indicates a lot of local media involvement, and their archive indicates nothing before 4/24/2000, which said: “Monday a KHOU crew met with Chemtrail Tracking USA Club co-founders Lorie [Kramer] and Dona of Houston and member Rhonda from Ft. Worth, as well as other local members of the Yahoo! based club for the taping of a story on Chemtrails and public concern over their purpose and health impact. Reporter Ron Travino and cameraman Nathan visited for several hours at the house of Lorie, taping, talking, asking questions, and viewing photos and videos.”

On chemtrailcentral, there’s actually a thread about the history of chemtrails. There, people give their recollections of how it all started. Most date it to late 1998 or 1999. A few people report earlier contrails (1989, 1991), and then surmise it must have stated earlier.

A post there by 3T3L1 quotes chemtrail debunker Jay Reynolds on the derivation of the word “chemtrails”. Posted on August 26, 2001 at 09:06:54 AM by Jay Reynolds was a statement by Val Valerian (pseudonym for Former USAF captain [John] Grace) in April 1999. “Grace/Valerian recognized that the power of suggestion worked against his claim and proposed coining a new term more suggestive of his claim.” That does not sound unreasonable, since the earliest reference to the word is April 1999. This page claims to be reporting from March 29th 1999, but could have been written after the fact, based on photos taken that day. It’s archived back to October 1999.

The original pages from Val Valerian/Valdemar Valerain/O.H. Krill/John Grace, can be found on archive.org. The earliest real mention of spraying on his pages dates back to emails on 13 Jan 1998. “John Grace is a UFO conspiracy theorist who published several books on shadow governments and suchlike. He also faked documents to support arguments in his books.”



This is an interesting interlude involving this “mention” of “chemtrails” in an episode of CSI.

I’m no fan of this series: I don’t believe the “science”, I don’t believe the timing, I don’t believe the “visualizations”, I don’t believe the camp crappiness of the script and the COLOR is an abuse to vision. It has the values of Star Trek Series 1.  Ug.

The HYPOCRISY mounted by the “brothers” is intense, approaches saturation, then exceeds it into supersaturation. I bet you thought it was only water that did that, but the bruvs don’t know about water – so they’re alone.

Someone who talks about chemtrails IS an “anti-american” & a “domestic terrorist” This had already become part of my thinking. It was EASY. I used LOGIC.
1. CNUTS offer NO sensible evidence that chemtrails exist. They are therefore slandering hard-working innocent people from airport aprons to executive boardrooms.
2. They use FEAR to condition people against the scientific truth of the matter in favor of lies which further their aims. TERRORISTS use fear to attain their objectives, too.
“Whether” – neither
“one day” – never
“ignore truth” – & b a CNUT
“u’re a disgrace” – to the Cosmos I apologize – 4 u
“to stupid” – 2 spell correctly?
“corruption” – “Power” started that 11000BC
“a great threat” – U aren’t 4 U know zip
“your caliber” – 50 cal long range sniper
“lies” – as in LIBRARY
“same ppl” – Yes. Ppl generally
“Your agenda” – I’m sorry – science is the reverse of what u suggest
“Gotta love manipulation” – Spk 4 urself
“understand(ing) is challenging” – How would U know?
@WellSightedGentleman – S.A.G. ops?
Ah – The “American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting held in San Diego February 18-22, and “a group of protestors” & “Could it be that one of these groups is being deceived?”
APOPHENIA was defined by Klaus Conrad in 1958 as the “unmotivated seeing of connections accompanied by a specific feeling of abnormal meaningfulness.”
The “group of protestors” must have been looking for the hospital…
Make shit up about a noisy ignorant rabble, won’t you?
CNUT wastrel..

@beachcomber2008 pop psychology is a real hallmark of the so-called enlightenment of your generation, isnt it?

beachcomber writes on YouTube from his fake chemtrail plane ufo fireball orb…  lol

@TrutherD1 “beachcomber writes on YouTube from his fake chemtrail plane ufo fireball orb… lol”
Yes, I do. Read it, watch it. Follow its links… 🙂
UFOs and fireballs I don’t deal with, except that I found “Piece for a Jigsaw” by Leonard G. Cramp to be (and remain) utterly fascinating
If by “fireballs” you mean STABLE PLASMA SPHERES or “ball lightning” then I AM very interested in that
My 2pworth, UFOs appear to be trans-substantial to me, and their physics unknown!
“PROTT” is an old SF story

@beachcomber2008 Ball lightning’s cool but I mean fireball meteor-UFOs, yes I agree made of energy or something… but seemingly intelligent. Check this out full screen and watch 9 of them fall


We should stop fighting and wake up… Thx for refs. @WSG I was only half-joking, I know you’re a skeptic of this stuff, so sorry to challenge your beliefs 😛

@TrutherD1 Oh dear, you made me waste some time
The first (“don’t tell me it’s an aircraft!”) – it’s an aircraft
The second (“note how the orb moves to tail”) – the “orb” is a HIGHLIGHT, and moving down the axis of polished cylinders and cones is EXACTLY what highlights do
ORBS, in these FAILED scenarios, are ALWAYS out-of-focus highlights
My physics teacher wife rates these as “U”
This failure is the stock-in-trade of 2nd Technician Rimmer of Red Dwarf
You know, the HOLOGRAM who killed the crew

@TrutherD1 @TrutherD1 oh rofl his response says it all. hahaha

remember the 5th of November

Hi guys. Hi beachcomber. *glare* 😛 As you were. In-sky’d job.

having watched this we can now see clearly how poor old beachcomer2008 who suffers life altering apophenia is easliy triggered amd ‘programmed’ by the MSM to respond as he does. I believe he actually feels CSI is right on the money here, like so many television addicts he doesn’t have a clue about what’s going on outside, he gets his frivolous opinions from subversive programs such as this. We simply ‘protest’ Geoenigeering & are not terrorists. Giveup TV beachcomer2008 save us your delusion.

@WellSightedGentleman I could not have said this better myself. Please, do not let these TROLLS get the better of you. You are a strong being with so much knowledge. The TROLLS only try to bring you down… I say NAY NAY….. damn them – and please continue telling them off. BRAVO for you… Tell the trolls to read the document I posted -The Regulation of Geoengineering, UK House of Commons, Science and Technology Committee-Chances are no one will,  far too brain dead from fluoride poisoning.

Hi, usual suspects, talking dirty again
By “dirty”, I mean without a clue as to the science & logic of what you’re talking about, telling lies about people you don’t know, who possess boots you aren’t worthy to lick. THAT sort of “dirty”
The GAP that you see before a trail begins tells you there are NO metals present, for if there were, they’d SHOW in that gap
AFTER the turbine, where you INSIST there is a spray nozzle, the space is? fully occupied by a THRUST REVERSAL SYSTEM
Engines CAN’T SPRAY!

@beachcomber2008 those who have studied enough of the nature of the dispersed particles, and literature, know that to ‘spray’ again, like the term ‘chemtrail’ is also only a common vernacula term that refers directly to the C.E ‘scattered’ particulates that are left in the emission trails(chemtrails) that persist enough to modify the atmospheric environs. Semantics are not enough of a divisive point to turn any who protest the S.A.G in the sky.
So do you like to lick the boots of elitists?

@WellSightedGentleman Aerosols are as old as the Earth
Recent studies show that 86% of airborne aerosols are natural
The remaining man-made ones are made by the power industry, manufacturing industry, travel (mostly road!) and farming
I AM an elitist in your terms
ANYONE who has passed his exams and is properly knowledgeable IS elite
That is what the word “elite” MEANS
I point that out to as a guide to a better way of life than the one you presently follow
So lick my, er, SANDALS, ignorant fuck!

@beachcomber2008 anyone who passes their exams, rofl, you really are ignorant.
so who do i lie about to whom thou are so worthy as to not lick their shoes, as you do?
Who are these ‘graduates’, that you think compose the elite in your small little world that i allegedly lie about?
Calling everyone CNUTS who do not accept your rubbish excuse for sound information sources, says everything about the caliber and quality of your education and frankly you fail. It speaks for itself. u disappointment

@WellSightedGentleman Not as disappointing as you, I think, who have no legitimate excuse for your behavior, calling science “rubbish” and believing that EDUCATED people are PROGRAMMED people
Your sorry campaign is a REACTIONARY effort against established science, and has NOTHING to replace it with except your own sorry ass
It only exists as a vehicle for your self-promotion
Your “newspeak” is something George Orwell never envisaged and would be horrified by
WSG = Mr. Magoo and as blind as a bat

@beachcomber2008 legitimate excuse, well we cant count on you to protect the marginalised innocent victems of the SAG can we?
you defend elitists who sponsor the S.A.G
But i support the position of holding those who scatter pollutants on purpose, 2 be held accountable now and into the future for what they’re doing. No regulation of climate engineering, an all out Bann is required, this is good enough “excuse” for publishing video evidence of what the british royal society says must be disclosed

so what
are people breathing? it can’t be too harmful, right?

youtube CSI Reptilians

Denying science is like self-denial
It’s a science-based world, unstably perched upon half-gone oil, where the oil is used to produce our food, not just get us about, and the world itself is hotting up
As the oil goes west, Africans will have the pleasure of watching us begin to look like they do, we’ll shrink in size and develop stick limbs and pot bellies, while the East will be entirely unaffected, and look on with horror
Science is the knowledge of the natural world
Reject it – and die

looking at the ratings, 72 thumbs ups, 2 thumbs down, those two would be beachcomer2008 and his sockpuppet which he uses to support his deluded paranoid notions.

waky waky, sheeples

Darn … if only one of this professor’s ‘conspiracy theories’ listed had been “propaganda placed in the mass media and television programs to control citizens thinking”, people may have clued in – well at least for a few minutes before the McDonald’s ads made them hungry.
however, there is always the rare chance that some people in media want to at least interject certain ideas into the mainstream. So they put them into shows but they labelled as wacky – but still, they are then planted into the public where they may cause more discussion.

@zetetic0void It’s just a dumb script where some scriptwriter (who wanted to get paid) managed to squeeze the topic in for a few seconds
A small opportunity to kick someone who cannot strike back – a popular sport
The fact that in this case it was someone WORTH kicking is completely accidental
If you believe otherwise, well, you WOULD, wouldn’t you?
You already believe a “military”-like campaign to control the weather is under way
All you needed was jet contrails and a stubborn denial of science

Amazing work, keep exposing more of this type of placement!

Wow those writers for that show are aware of the truth and evil

ohlol, soo hence being pro-american, means to accept things like chemtrails, tsunami bombs, and water flouridation. More than enough tests, conclusivly proving the S.A.G material is in our environment in abundance now, have been compiled, that talking point, like aluminium in drinking water, is moot. As for setting off explosives to cause tsunamis probably, its not an idea i have espouse. GreaT example of contempory newspeak.

There is an alternative to either “newspeak” or your SLUSHTHINK
If there were just an inkling of science in your bones you would KNOW that what you espouse reduces to nothing more than a bundle of pseudo-science, assumptions, misguided correlations and unqualified and uneducated personal testimony
Furthermore, they too frequently reduce to LIES and OUTRIGHT FRAUD. Shall I reel off three of them right now?
Some of you are ignorant, some malevolent, but ALL are despicable

Trying to control the sheeple again lol Hey x always marks the spot got loads of them 🙂

I almost flipped when I saw this. I liked CSI NY but I don’t think I will be watching it.

‘Head games’ at its most pernicious ! Great catch…TV sucks. 5’s

Yes, watch out for this propaganda and also watch out for Alex Jones. Anyone who tells you that it’s not at least partly a sunblock program is misleading you. People like AJ have an ideology that doesn’t allow for certain possibilities like global warming. AJ will do so much to discredit those who are interested in the truth with his endless speculation stated as fact.

@PURVASHADASTAR Andrew Johnson or Alex Jones? Both, actually
Believe it or not, scientists are ALSO interested in TRUTH
They don’t BELIEVE in science because it is a system of non-belief
A “LEAP” of faith is SPECIFICALLY DISALLOWED in science
Modern Science is MATHEMATICALLY based, generates HARD numbers, makes TRUE predictions, and is INFINITELY closer to reality than your endless & pseudoscientific speculation, also stated as fact
You are EXACTLY what you accuse others of being
Apophenia again.

@beachcomber2008 seeing as that you, are accusing everyone else of apophenia, it seems clear to us that it is in fact you who have that dreaded diseased condition. again, we are nothing but peaceful protestors of excessive pollution, we get used to disturbed accusatory character attacks such as you do..
realise you are really quite ethically corrupt
so how many people now have you accused of your own illness you poor sod?
we know
scientism is your religion,
when will you wakeup to that fact?

Not ODD, but a VICTIM
A victim of APOPHENIA, an obsessive disorder where the victim preserves an antisocial midset by IGNORING the reasons which don’t agree with his mindset
It sounds innocuous, but leads to behavior which damages all that person’s social relationships and may go on to damage others.
“As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue to commit atrocities.” – Voltaire
It is absurd to assign meaning to Xing trails when 87,000 flights cross US skies EVERY DAY

@beachcomber2008 you propogate the same deluded alarmism as those who have produced this program. You lie about persistent contrails from the fifties and you know i know it! your wordpress dosuments are propogandist folly
You think you’re some kind of genius, what, as climate engineer?
or will you lie about that too?
One lie begets another and you’re not capable of telling the truth.
you’re a charlatan.

@WellSightedGentleman No, spit it out, get to the point….:)
Personally I DETEST CSI. I have just stopped the audio so as not to hear it
I think it’s vile and glib and I detest the altered color values too
The program is as natural as its color is. A grisly reverie of the American Dream with a set of values taken straight out of the first series of Star Trek
I think anyone who follows it to be defective in their scientific understanding, or just plain defective
What do YOU think?

Love it! propaganda on HIGH! he actually used “anti-American” and all those valid concerns in the same sentence. …This dude has no scruples to take part in this show with issues painted in such a way, none of these actors do in my opinion. Sold!


Persistent contrails are typically made of THIRTY-FIVE POUNDS OF ICE CRYSTALS PER YARD OF FORWARD FLIGHT, seeded? with microimpurities so dilute that if these crystals were melted they would easily pass a test for fresh water
That is what is found when scientists survey them. These surveys have been repeated EVERY DECADE since the fifties
Authorities will ALWAYS DENY doing something they haven’t actually done
Apophenics cannot handle this. Are YOU one?

What is the soundtrack??

Well caught…  Definitely something going on here…
The actors should be ashamed of themselves..   But they wont…

WOW! Water Flouridation: Is used in most U.S. Cities and that is an Indisputable fact. U.S. Patents can confirm that chemtrails have been used since Vietnam, hell, there’s even? a documentary on the affects of this method of cloud seeding. Tsunami Bombs? Haven’t heard that one. I doubt it exists. This is clearly “Propaganda Placement,” which is also documented. The fact that people call this conspiracy, is merely because they are ignorant. Not stupid, just ignorant.

@Pepsifx357 People who KNOW ANYTHING about fluoridation can SPELL the word
Patents confirm nothing
There’s a patent for a hotel on the Moon – why don’t you visit it?
Scotty can beam you there…
The collapse triggering energy to start a tsunami requires access to a position of maximum strain energy five to ten miles down? through solid rock
Scotty can place you there too…
Now, BACK TO REALITY – why don’t you WIKI “apophenia” and check out whether you’re not just ignorant, but mentally ill?

@beachcomber2008 Alright then,? all Tsunami crap that doesn’t exist aside, you tell me why over the past 20 years, airplanes have gone from short 1/4 mile long contrails, to long plumes that create clouds? Or why water FLUORIDATION is on a list on T.V. like it is some conspiracy theory?

@Pepsifx357 Since they started making large pressure cabins for airplanes, air travel has increased FIFTYFOLD, OR 5,000 %
As a child I saw persistent trails in the midfifties
Now there are FIFTY times more of them
As they all tend to fly through the same patch of air, releasing water, then they are also making the sky locally WETTER
Those plumes ARE clouds
But WETNESS is what the trails respond to, and are made of
At 35,000 feet & -40 degrees all “wetness” is ICE or VAPOR

@beachcomber2008 you deny the fact of aerosol pollution, advertant or not. the trails filmed throughout the internet are not occuring above 30,000 ft, rather they’re being emitted at the same height if not lower than general cloud height which is what?

@WellSightedGentleman Let’s assume your eyes ARE good, for a moment
How good is your sense of perspective?
You know that parallel lines converge to a single vanishing point?
You know that a 7 miles high trail CROSSES? THE HORIZON when it is TWO HUNDRED MILES AWAY?
You know trails GROW, SPREAD, and FALL two miles vertically downward before they evaporate beneath the tropopause?
You know that when they do so they are around FOUR MILES UP?
Aerosols in Earth’s air comprise 86% natural, 14% anthropic


Watch and pause on that time. Then tell me if you actually believe that 5 or more “passenger planes” all flew out that way only to turn back after realizing they had forgot to bring In-flight snacks, or if there may be something else going on.

Thank you Very well put together and pointing out a very disturbing fact about the media downmplaying our reality of CHEMTRAILS and that their are in the action to “condition” the public’s perception of this reality
great clip

The oil spill, created for many reasons. One in particular mentioned that I happen to agree with is that it not only controls the food supply but it also allows chemtrails to be sprayed without protests. The entire southeast will have to be evacuated within the next 3 to 6 months to the disaster relocation centers in Tennessee, Illinois, Missouri New York and Pennsylvania…  The influx of detainees will further strain the resources of the states and

“then those nice young men in their nice white suits came to take you away…
Away to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time..”
It was in the UK hit records once
You can’t catch ME out

@beachcomber2008 haha, I remember that song – we had this record of weird songs as a kid – Shaving Cream, Transfusion, The Streak..etc

@beachcomber2008 and you think there aint slush between your ears?
you’re a joke.
chemtrails conspiracy is aa overt media subterfuge program to sheild stratospheric aerosol geoengineering. Beachcopmer2008 like to think he drive the talking points, but he doesnt live under geoengineered skies. That why he has NEVER been able to demonstrate anything- to refute visual emperical evidence.

@WellSightedGentleman, must be a good vid if beachcomber2008 showed up! i wonder who faithinscience is now? ask beachcomber2008 for me why i see CONtrails daily now when i can see the blue skies when five years ago i would have to wait a week or 2 to see a “persistant contrail”! p.s. if he tells u something about increased jet travel just google: shrinking airlines to find the truth! BOOM BANG BOOM, eyes to the ground cause the show’s in the skies, right beachcomber?

@ar5281ar Haha. I just Googled “growing airlines” and what did I find? LOL
If you insist on disregarding true data, such as the easily-obtainable year-on-year air passenger travel statistics, and published science papers on the progressional development of aircraft contrails into cirrus clouds, then so be it, there’s nothing that can be done for you
It is YOU who is using FEAR as a way of suppressing reason, not I
It is YOU that holds to a belief which has no evidence to support it

@beachcomber2008 sounds like you’re getting hysterical, again. Please see a doctor.

@beachcomber2008 the great chemtrail debunker that is inspired by a failed magician that admits everything he has done in his life is to decieve people: James Randi! BOOOOM BANG BOOM, eyes to the ground because the real trick is in the sky isn’t it? what’s funny is all people have to do is observe daily to see the truth & your irelevant words. p.s. try some polarized sunglasses, they are a must!

@ar5281ar Way to quotemine. Be honest about the purpose of that quote. Randi says it to state the obvious – in other words the things magicians do on stage are illusions. Your framing of the quote shows dishonesty.

Sit down & be a good American. Drink your daily fluoride, Breath in your daily barium/aluminum fortified with morgellons fibers. remember fiber is good for You.
And make sure You are getting the recommended daily allowance of TV bullshit like CSI,  It keeps You in the matrix. Dont ever think out of the box that would be “Anti-American”. & lastly do the obama pledge & be a servant slave, It’s what You need to be a good American.

Well done – and I couldn’t agree with you more! Turn of the brainwashing machine aka television. I have posted a video response, and for those that still think chemtrails don’t exist, perhaps the document in this video will help them decide. It’s titled “The Regulation of Geoengineering”. The summary on page 3 admits outright that they have been spraying us, although on a small scale. My question is what do they call a large scale. They are looking at UN to monitor this project globally.

I donno what CSI is and I dont give a damn about that filthy TV all together, they make me sick to look at their ugly faces but the CSI eats shi*!
the bastards days are numbered.
all of them, from their bosses the dirty cheap pirates turn 2 bank robbers, down to their boot licking lowlife vultures… all of them,
the new world disorder bastards are going to be in bottom of hell soon.

Good job…
Perhaps someday we may actually reach through the fog that has been placed around many…  and have them actually see the reality that we live in…  not the false one that has been created to control us..
Then again…  perhaps…  we are the few…  that will forever see…  while the rest remain blind.
All we can do is try…  Thanks for making this…  Keep up the good fight!

you are being sprayed with massive amounts of fascist poison
they are spraying AGAIN today massively…just look up!
you are being sprayed with massive amounts of fascist poison

Damn those anti-florid terrorist! Everyone knows the US government cares about our teeth.

This is happening world wide by these sick cowards.
We need to find and prosecute these criminals.

Chemtrails are serious anti-life assaults on everything they infiltrate — which is US and our FOOD CHAIN. Chemtrails are making organic gardening/farming impossible… and setting the stage for ONLY GMO FOOD (corporate-controlled and sold… and NON-seeding for the future; you HAVE to BUY from them) This is as serious as it gets people.
Thank you for posting this CSI clip – what a crock.

google – “Atmospheric Aerosol Properties and Climate Impacts”

@UncleHempy Exactly!

“owning the weather in 2025” — google search for air force 2025

LOL… water flouridation is not a conspiracy theory, it’s completely admitted! Great job on this one, keep fightin the good fight.

@Sinpup79 Yeah, but your “Anti-American” and probably also an “Anti-Semite” if you don’t like the fact that this shit is put in your water supply… It is a drug, and it is put in your water supply, and you are Anti-American because you know this and don’t like it. It’s almost demoralizing to realize that they put this shit out there because the figure most of these monkeys walking around with fluoridated nervous systems don’t really even give a shit. Hilarious.

@wenaolong I am by no means anti-american, I am anti NWO, and that is not even to say that I don’t believe we should have a new world order, it is only to say that the NWO is being run by the same people who ran the old one… and where I live there is not flouride in my water supply. Neways, thanks for judging me based a short statment of fact that you tend to agree with…. weirdo 😛

@Sinpup79 As to the NWO position, I hold an identical one as far as that goes. It isn’t the newness that’s the problem, it’s the oldness of the “new” world order that is the problem. As to the fluoride, it’s in most places, especially MAJOR CITIES, where its effects are most important for control/disease infliction purposes. I didn’t judge you, the statements I made referred to a general condition of persons at this time, not directed at you. I’m weirder than you can imagine, in a good way.
Good luck, by the way. Make good choices and get good results, whatever those may be for you. I know I am doing so and will continue to. In your situation, whatever it may be, don’t waste your time fighting unwinnable wars, and you’ll be fine. In my case, I’ve already won, since I don’t unduly fear death, and I lust after joy. When you are motivated by fear, you’ve lost. Only when you are motivated by joy, is there anything worth winning. Peace in.

US Patent # 5,003,186 should convince all but those who choose to “see no evil” that chemtrails are a real phenomenon.

@whole2th Score one for U.S. Patents! They’ve been using chemtrails since Vietnam.

@whole2th Hughes Aircraft Patent # 5,003,186. Weather modification, chemtrails. Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming. A method is described for reducing atmospheric or global warming resulting from the presence of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.

@Spright0 20080270152 Patent Trolling Application – by Halliburton
Yes – this Application, by a Halliburton Patent Attorney, seeks a Patent for “Patent Acquisition and Assertion by a (Non-Inventor) First Party Against a Second Party”.
So troll away
You’re on borrowed time

@beachcomber2008 how dare you call me names old man

@Spright0 Are you a CNUT? All you need do is learn to understand what science is. Then there’s NO possibility of your remaining a CNUT
I mean, it’s a bit CNUTTY to believe you can spray biological material through a high-pressure flame at 2,400 degrees F and expect it to survive
They don’t believe this in hospitals
And metals in flames MAKE COLORS – is the Firework Industry wrong?
And billions of tons of these metals have been “sprayed”
But they’re NEVER found in air samplers?
“CNUTS” rings true

@beachcomber2008 this isn’t going no where have you missed one of your tv shows today? why you picking an argument with everyone all souls have their own beliefs you aint nobody to tell us what to believe in i say fuck it we all are breathing it in watch the animatrix old one and you’ll see chemtrails in there you a pro american thats your belief i dont care i don’t know you but when the time comes you’ll regret everything right now your living you life as lie gizzer

@Spright0 U izz de lie gizzer, & I argue with CNUTTINESS. I wouldn’t piss on a CNUT if his pants were on fire, and as they always lie, their pants are always burnin’, burnin’
Beliefs are held without evidence. That’s what a belief is – something which requires no evidence to support it
I hold to NO belief – only to facts with supporting evidence
Slandering ANYONE without any supporting evidence is a moral and an ethical crime, and also a criminal offence
Stupidity and idleness are NO defense

@beachcomber2008 slandering who?
is your apophenia playing up again?
you may need to see a doctor.

@WellSightedGentleman I see your astroturf account has temporarily depleted itself
Slandering me and other hard-working people
I hope by “tsu specialist” you meant oriental antiques or breeding dogs
because your “aluminum particulates are biological” smear becomes more plausible
Where are these particulates emitted from?
Why aren’t they visible in the trail gap?
How does the finely-divided biological material survive the 2,400 deg F flame?
If you cannot show HOW they are delivered
Do they EXIST?

@beachcomber2008 you’re the fool whose stating that biological agents are being dispersed – though there are patents to freeze dry biological agents into nano particles – this is not what im stating.  you smear yourself saying so, ive stated over and again that theyre scattering what they say they are, alumina Al2So3.
A TSU specialist works in an operating theater, we eliminate biological agents, creating an aseptic environment.
Along your track of thought seems you deny agent orange chemtrails also.
heh aluminium isnt a biological agent, just like you’re not a scientist. But i dont really need to point this out, its obvious
But then you are speaking for your very nieve view of established science, really you’re a fail,  just look at the above statement you’ve made, and you want to be perceived as credible?
the idea they’ve never found air sample is contrary to the truth, just like your silly assumptions that aluminium particulates are biological.
i was a tsu specialist.
@Spright0 nah they got a new dingbat on his account, or that ‘old codger’ is just having a meltdown.
probably the later, except that he’s adopting all of faithinsciences abusive tendancies and aggresive attitude. Seen it all before, these guys from ‘contrailscience’ have no argument whatsoever, though they continue to try shamelessly in the face of sound argument they cannot rebuke, good luck to them. I feel sorry for anyone who is uncritically sucked into their illusion.

@WellSightedGentleman copy that

Remember, CSI is only a fictitious show dealing with make believe crimes and make believe characters designed to disinform, distract , and steal our time away from discussing important matters such as why we are being bombarded everyday with chemical aerosol spraying and why do our governments allow poisons to be dumped in our drinking water?
As for fluoride being mentioned on the list of conspiracies, yes fluoride is a poison. Yeah lets put it in our drinking water eh? What a great idea and it must be good for your teeth too eh? Yeah it must be but who made that discovery, are you sure its good for you? Someone must have won a Nobel Prize for making this discovery? Where are the clinical studies and papers supporting this claim? The answer is…nowhere. A lot of countries have woken up to this blatant lie.
Are we really that stupid to keep falling for such blatant propaganda? Well, not all of us. I love the way they described how idiotic it is to mistake contrails for chemtrails when (because there is such a major and obvious difference between the two) it is technically impossible to get them confused! STEVEDIGIBOYtv may be spot on. Its bound to scare the crap out of any credible person daring to mention this controversial man made phenomenon and the stupidity of it.
I cant believe how desperate the authorities must be about keeping this criminal activity quiet! To use hollywood stooges (actors) to suck us into no longer believing what our own eyes see in the sky reeks of desperation. drmatt357 you would be surprised what goes on behind your back and the audacity of what our governments get up to.

I don’t know if I believe the chemtrail thing. Why can’t someone just capture some of this “trail” and analyze the contents. That would be easy and put an end to the discussion. I can’t believe that they’re crop dusting us without anyone checking these clouds. George Lopez can’t bang some broad without the entire world finding out but they can dust entire cities? I’m suspicious!

@drmatt357 it has been analyzed by news channel 4 look up chemtrails in the news. it contains aluminum, barium, arsenic and other chemicals.

@drmatt357 the elite want people to be distracted with unimportant issues like George Lopez banging some ho so they don’t focus on important issues that matter….Keep us focusing focusing on these dumb fucking celebrities instead of really serious issues.

@drmatt357 Hello friend the government calls it GEOENGINEERING, they admit it now. So there is no reason to believe anything. Go to COuncil on Foreign Relations website and search: GEOENGINEERING and watch the entire conference on it. Just because it’s not on cnn or fox doesn’t mean it’s real. WAKE UP your reality has been distorted by the controlled media.

@drmatt357 Yes, chemtrails have been declassified and confirmed. Everyone said ppl that believed in chemtrails were CRAZY, LOONS, and PARANOID NUTS! They’ve been chemically analyzed, and it’s true, chemtrails have been real this whole time. For all those YEAR AND YEARS everyone called those that knew the truth crazy and now EVEN THE GOVERNMENT THEMSELVES have admitted to spraying barium, titanium, aluminum, and tons of other crap into the air out the back of jets in the name “secret climatology”

@drmatt357 News 4 in Los Angeles did a story about chemtrails in San Bernadino County and they interviewd goverment officials who claimed that the strange substance was actually pollen. The investigator sent the sample to a lab and they discovered among other chemicals Barium. Even more damning to the goverment officials that claimed it was pollen was the fact that no organic material was found by the lab. There were dozens if not more witnesses to this.

@drmatt357 “Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality” – Michael Ellner

It’s been done many times the info is out there, just look!
1st water vapor melts as the jet fly’s over I’m sure you’ve seen it.
Chemtrails do not melt and have been recorded over a 100 miles? long I’m sure you’ve seen that too.
There is a difference Oh and I see a video link to right of screen I’m sure you see that as well.
Wake up ! how long can this ignorance continue on so many levels

@readmuch How did I miss you?
“1st water vapor melts” STEAM IS “water vapor”. When it exhausts it cools from 1100 to -40 deg C and FREEZES to very fine ice crystals and microspherules of water
If the air has a high and competing water vapor pressure then CRYSTALS they will remain at such a temperature – or in your pseudoscience gibberish
“Chemtrails do not melt”
“Wake up ! how long can this ignorance continue on so many levels”
I agree, but for different reasons
Our search techniques differ, too

I don’t know probably when they were passing out BRAINS you chose EGO. I’ve watched this crap going on for over 10 years and listened to rhetoric such as yours as well. Your words mean nothing when common sense is all it takes to know the subject matter at hand. There is plenty of proof to show that your explaination is full of holes so don’t waste my time with your BS. Massage your intelligence with those who are not aware, there are plenty to choose from.

@readmuch Sadly for you, the “rhetoric” is SCIENCE

Same to you, for ignoring the SCIENCE that prove’s the falsehoods of your beliefs.
A cup 1/2 full seems to be a better way to look at things for me as I discover so many lies perpetuated and propagadized through avenues of deciet, so many believe in as it is I have no interest in educating anyone when multitudes of info is available to us all.
Taking advantage is a choice – or not!

@readmuch You guys exhibit the very behavior you accuse others of, and give yourselves a name the exact opposite of what you are
Also you can’t spell, and write with single figure ages and IQs
You in particular DON’T read much, which is why you call yourself READMUCH
Telling lies comes easy to you too, which probably explains why you cannot spot them either as you “seek” the “truth”
“All that glisters is not gold” Have fun with the iron pyrites, it’s for you
proves, propagandized, deceit – 😦

Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all.
You love to point the finger LOL what a waist of my time you are!
Good God 🙂 look at the time you have spent with so many others throwing out slanderous comments. WOW, how sad.
This started from your attack, prostituting your ideals of BS looking for attention suffering from mad blindness/reason, I’m sorry but you must be very lonely.
I’ve read plenty you clearly have not.
Be sure and proof read my spelling LOL

@readmuch NO
YOU started the attack
An attack on TRUTH
An attack on professional people in a professional industry
An attack designed to boost your self-image and self-esteem
An attack you believe to be without risk to yourself
How hypocritical
LIFE is a zero-sum game
When you take away HONESTY
Then a DISHONEST life will be your reward
and a death with DISHONOR will be its close

@beachcomber2008 yeah right, a ‘secret’ professional industry that maintains gagg orders to protect the public from the obvious public health risk aerosol dispersal imposes.
So you are resorting to threatening people now, how ‘professional’
Arguing with you is a condescension on our part.
You wants some truth dewd:
You’ll be licking the filthy feet of plutocrats for the rest of you existence.
threatening people, how civil, perhaps you hook up the trailer and hit the road pal.
abuse deserve ban

@WellSightedGentleman I need do nothing – it is your own behavior which threatens you
Life is important to each of us, for we only get one shot at it
Ignorance of what you do will NOT serve as a defense, and
responsibility for what you do, you will be unable to evade
You have NEVER stated HOW alumina gets “sprayed” by engines
because you DON’T KNOW. Nor does anyone! How is it done?
Tell this gas turbine expert how it’s done, bozo
“Somehow” doesn’t cut it
Nor does changing the subject to ORANGE

@beachcomber2008 so im lying about the gas turbine industrialists am i?
As is MSM reports, publications from the UK House of Commons, Science and Technology Committee – the royal society declares disclosure!
Scroll down and see i already stated that particulates, dry, need not be sprayed, rather scattered. The ‘somehow’ is fairly straight forward with a little know-how. As an engineer, i thought you’d have a greater insight into the possibilities of inovation, but clearly you only echo mainstream

@WellSightedGentleman Of course, I see it now, SCATTERED, not SPRAYED
then like Kevin,”it only proves you to be a little ODD”
Do you suppose that fanjets look that way because they’ve a
little team of Irish navvies shovelling nano-aluminum out of the back?
They must be shovelling out all the time – it could be that when they get tired
THAT’s when you get a gap in the trail
Scatter, eh, and that scattering creates the persistent trails, does it?

@beachcomber2008 well if you had’nt spent all your time on the ytube trying to attack individuals for sharing this information but had read only ONE of the published documents that details the activities of the S.A.G ops you may not look so ignorant now. Of course you are not a conspiracy theorist, but you allegations are misplaced, why terrorise us – we only inform.
You are not very creative for an engineer, but i? guess most of you are just glorified maintanece men, only the few actually invent

your delusional everything you say is directed right back at you the true hipocrite, it’s laughable so blow it out your ass moron.
It’s amazing that only those you believe to be professional are! LOL stop it quit waisting my time your almost freaky.
I never welcomed your OPINION and never asked for it, so GO AWAY – LOL
Thank you 4 your example of lunacy and how much more I will reject democratic ideology of shove it down your throat. F O

@readmuch I am here to say that this grim TV series is accidentally CORRECT when it says you are “conspiracy theorists”
But that is to give you all FAR too much credit
Your “strategy” is to pitch an argument with a slight technical advance on what you believe the public thinks, and then call ANY expert you confront an agent of the conspiracy itself
I get it, we ALL understand it
In fact you will adopt ANY action which produces “greater results”, won’t you?
And THAT behavior of yours PWNS you

@beachcomber2008 all the information reiterated thoughout these videos is published through the MSM and official publications from those seeking to regulate and control the current S.A.G operations, not a ramshakled one off websites that invent their own apologetics for the immense atmospheric destruction created by the aviation industry. You can publish anything on wordpress, doesnt make it established, just as anyone can create an anonymous website and propogate anything they like

“You can publish anything on WP”
Yes, indeed. And for NOTHING, to boot
“immense atmospheric destruction created by the aviation industry” is an assertion which isn’t borne out by ANY EVIDENCE, fortunately for the rest of us
I invite any1 curious to use the relevant search words and ADVANCED SEARCH & “-chemtrail -spray -aerosol -nwo -conspiracy” to filter out CNUT crap and leave you with meaningful & serious science research info
IF I were just a normal guy I’d use WP.. 🙂

@beachcomber2008 …as you claim to be an expert in jet engines, perhaps you can be useful and share with us the nature of the jet fuel Stadis 450, maybe you could explain why it isnt sold anywhere else than in the US? maybe discuss the ‘trade-secret’ compounds within it?
Yes people need to become aware of the terrible pollution that the aviation idustry is creating, that industry is one of the most unregulated in the world.
Airlines, unlike us ‘normal’ folk dont pay tax on the fuel they use

Stadis 450?
If you weren’t a moron you’d see that Stadis stands for
STAtic DIScharge” and is a clever way of rendering the fuel electrically-conductive and therefore unable to develop high voltages and sparking across pump nozzles on hot dry airport aprons
Unfortunately for you (again!) it’s a SAFETY FEATURE obviously used by the elite to make sure they don’t die, and really useful to Americans, especially in the desert belts of the US
Incidentally useful to the rest of us

@beachcomber2008 so you dont know what they put in it then…
some expert

@WellSightedGentleman Whatever the organic compound is, it has the ability to conduct electrons down its length. Colloidal graphite would work, for instance. As it has to pass through the engine it should combust to GAS and not to SOLIDS. It’s not important to me, 4 it is a TRACE compound used in small quantities, Redex is similar in gasoline. I’m no expert on that either. 🙂
I believe we’re ALL sufficiently expert to know that “Stadis” is a timewaster for you
so find something else, Eccles

Wow! It is incredible to see people of your caliber take advantage of the freedoms of speech to perpetuate lies created by the same people who created the word conspiracy theorist in the 1st place. Your agenda can only be to keep others as ignorant as possible to be sure and walk your walk. (Hitler comes to mind but only from the official story you bank your life on and that’s another issue.) Gotta love manipulation and you ware it well. To understand that, is very challenging
This video must have extreme truth to it for you to want to gain so much attention on it with so many others. I suppose they could take it down which I have seen them do many X’s with other videos but from a different view it would be better to allow this BS to go on in hopes it is not given a chance for others to know of the corruption going on right over our heads. Most are to ignorant to want to know, those of us whom have come out of the box are a great threat to the establishment.
Whether you’re a part of the problem of officialdom through Illuminate or secrete societies to better their interests, I don’t really give a damn. I would only hope that one day you might pay a heavy price for helping to ruin the lives of millions and mother nature/earth herself.
If you want to ignore the truth as the writers of this program have while bringing the issue to the forefront. Then you are a disgrace to all of humanity.
I will not believe you are to stupid to know.

@drmatt357 They have, of course
Several times since the 1950s
jazzroc.wordpress.com “A SINGLE LONG-RANGE FLIGHT AND AN OCEAN LINER!” links to a paper where ground- and satellite-based LIDAR was used to provide physical and chemical analysis of specific identified PERSISTENT trails left by commercial passenger aviation schedule flights. It found the trails to comprise THIRTY-FIVE POUNDS OF ICE CRYSTALS PER YARD OF FORWARD FLIGHT, seeded with microimpurities so dilute as to pass for fresh water

@drmatt357 there have been people who have had its contents analyzed. i have a video of a local news channel who reports their findings on it. ima post it when i find it

@drmatt357 Scientists did, back in ’53
& then again & again up to the present
After they did this they ALWAYS wrote a paper about it too
The thing is, CNUTS cannot find these papers because they DO NOT WISH to find them, & LACK THE WIT to find them
Scientists, being normal, don’t
SO you use ADVANCED SEARCH and the EXCLUDE words facility, into which you stuff all those “chemtrailer” DIRTY words
And Robert is your father’s brother

Black is white, up is down, now wash your prozac down with your beer and vote for your favorite idol.

As well as branding the term chemtrails (not geoengineering) in this episode for average peeps think of the fear it puts in professionals thinking of going public or even discussing it. That may be the ultimate purpose,

@STEVEDIGIBOYtv Whenever you look for confirmation of a theory that you hold yet ignore, or fail to find, DISCONFIRMATORY EVIDENCE, then you proceed down a path of foolishness and pseudoscience. NO professional thinker, be he an architect, engineer, biologist, chemist, physicist or mathematician would EVER make such a serious mistake. It’s a scientific world we live in, and its collapse beneath the crushing weight of scientific ignorance and antiscience which you profess would certainly kill you

More propaganda…  we know the truth ass holes.

G’day from Melbourne Australia. The media are doing the same downunder.. every reality show you see or advertising that has sky in the background is mostly full of chemclouds but they never mention them. Even our radio stations bring out the spin doctors when concerned citizens ring them reporting horizon to horizon chemtrails. Good luck to you all trying to alert media or authorities!

If this isn’t the most obvious brainwashing, …. wow hahahah maybe some sheeple will look into it… nahh.

Great video and nice exsample how they programe people

Thanks for posting this vid. Wow, first time that I’ve heard the word Chemtrail on TV and main stream too.

Glad I do not have cable, glad you made this great clip!

Wow, and they even got some Apple product placement in with the iTampon, I mean iPad…. today Van was HAMMERED with chemy’s… it would have been an AWESOME day had it not been dumped on …sigh

OMG – yeah you fully right !!!

D Boots the Diva

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This is one “remarkable” person. I quote from her comments:

“Knowledge is power, whether you realize it or not. You might of spoofed me, but hopefully this will imprint on your neurons the facts I have provided, and at some point you and others of your generation will know why certain things seem to cause something in side of you to trigger. Whether it be moods like impatience, anger, sadness, or the over production of certain hormones in your bodies, you will at least have half a clue why it is happening.”

I DID include someone else’s response, enclosing one of her videos which she has now dropped, but she has wrongly invoked a DMCA (I think) to get the original removed. In it she ranted about the rainbow found in her garden spray device, claiming it to be a new feature of barium in the atmosphere. Ah well, that’s a pity – it was REAL FUN. Aha:

I put these questions to her:


WHAT IS “a new type of wireless energy”

HOW IS IT “attracted to a phosphorus blue purple hue?”

HOW IS IT “Hidden/Stored in the energy”

WHAT IS A “3D particle/plasma field of data”

WAS IT AFTER A BUMP ON THE HEAD YOU STARTED SEEING “Symbols/ letters/ images/ skulls/ cartoon characters/ animals/ faces/ slow changing turntable of images/ designs”

“Data of Quantum Cryptography?” Don’t you mean DATA from Star Trek?

Visit her site and enjoy the true meaning of bonkers.


Contrails or chemtrails? October 24, 2008
Posted by David Cenciotti in Aviation, Military Aviation.

In the last years I have watched a proliferation of pictures showing aircraft flying at high altitudes followed by their characteristic white trails (I discussed this thing in Italian in this post: Scie di condensazione o scie chimiche?). In most cases, these images aim to highlight aircraft that, according to someone, can be associated with weather modification or military experimentation. Usually, those people use the term “chemtrails”, the short for chemical trails, a definition which comes from contrails, short for condensation trails.
Let me say that I’m sure that some kind of testing has been conducted with similar aims and that someone is probably studying the possibility of changing the climate somewhere. However, I’m also sure that the majority of the images that have been circulating on the Internet show a normal phenomenon that has nothing to do with a conspiracy or with the attempts possibly done by some nation to modify the weather using airplanes.
Contrails appear from the quick condensation of the water vapour that is contained in the exhaust of the engines and in the surrounding air (due to a quick decrease in pressure and temperature) and crystallization of it around the solid aerosol particles ejected by the aircraft’s engines. As temperatures where the change of state happens are extremely low (from -40° Celsius), contrails should appear from altitudes around 8,500 meters. (The ISA, International Standard Atmosphere, has a ground temperature of 15° C and a vertical temperature gradient of -6.5° C/1000 meters).
Actually, since the standard atmosphere is quite different from a real one, contrails can be seen also when aircraft are flying at lower altitudes (I remember watching an F-104 generating contrails above the mountains in central Italy in 1991 at altitudes around 3,000 meters). Furthermore, temperature aside, condensation depends also on the humidity of the air, which influences the persistence and form of the trails. The higher the humidity, the greater the possibility of ice crystals.
Trails are not static, but can expand or narrow depending on the wind (at altitude it is usually different in direction and intensity from ground level). The contrails can be continuous or intermittent, if the aircraft encounters different temperature and humidity conditions. Obviously, the trails follow the path of the aircraft, and for this reason, if the airplane turns, the trail will simply follow the same “route”. If the aircraft is circling, the trail will assume an elliptical or round shape (according to the type of orbit the aircraft is performing). Should you see such non-straight contrails, you shouldn’t worry: there are many aircraft that need to circle to perform their normal activities (not related to any weather modification test). Consider AWACS that have to maintain a particular working area for several hours, or aircraft involved in testing activities, or tankers involved in air-to-air refueling activities that follow the so-called “racetracks” while waiting for their receivers.
If many contrails appear more or less at the same time, or in the same place, don’t be surprised: the sky is crossed by hundreds of invisible airways that connect reporting points and radio navigation aids. This means that people who live next to a waypoint or a VOR of an important airway could be overflown by a large amount number of contrails. If other aircraft flying nearby don’t generate a contrail, this is also normal: air traffic control separates flights both horizontally and vertically and it is possible (if not probable) that some planes, encountering certain conditions, generate condensation trails, while others do not.
From a meteorological point of view, even if they look similar to the clouds, the contrails are not necessarily associated with any weather phenomenon. They can move, change shape, translate but can’t bring rain, snow, turbulence etc. Conversely, the presence of contrails in a particular area could denote a high humidity condition in that zone.
Needless to say, the condensation clouds I explained in a recent post have nothing to do with chemistry or weather modification tests. Particular conditions of temperature and humidity, during cruise at high altitudes, can generate condensation clouds along with contrails thus leading to large trails of condensed vapor, that are very spectacular (a couple of interesting examples can be found on Airliners.net:
http://www.airliners.net/open.file/0980583/L/ and http://www.airliners.net/open.file/0695203/L/).
The following pictures depict the contrails generated by a flight of two Swiss F-18s overflying Axalp
I took the following picture on May 18, 2008 with a Nokia E61i mobile phone (hence the poor quality) from my house. It shows a contrail at night, lit up by the Moon.
JazzRoc – April 30, 2009

Thanks for your informative blog on “chemtrails”.
It is true that aircraft have been commissioned at intervals to spread silver iodide molecules to seed rainfall. These are light aircraft, difficult to see because they fly beneath the base of a storm cloud.
It is also true that rockets and drone aircraft have been deployed to emit a burst of metal ions for radar reflectivity trials, and also true that military aircraft emit bursts of metallized glass fibres (called chaff) during maneuvers or wartime missions.
But, as you say, ALL other trails are merely ice crystals which condense from the exhausts of jet engines when the stratospheric humidity is higher than average.
What you might not know is that 17% of the stratosphere is supersaturated on average, and when an aircraft flies through these conditions, the exhaust ice crystals “seed” the deposition of MORE ICE. This deposition is not a LITTLE more, but can be a GREAT DEAL more – in the order of ONE to TEN THOUSAND TIMES more.
This means that a 3,000-mile jumbo flight can liberate 80,000 tons of ice out of the stratosphere.
This makes a BIG, BIG trail which can spread out wider than horizon-to-horizon.
It is NO WONDER that it causes concern amongst the unaware, and makes them susceptible to conspiracy theories.
However, scientific analysis of the effects of aircraft ice cirrus cloud cover shows that the overall effect of aviation is not yet discernible – for the Earth is a VERY large thing…
Fifty years of expanding aviation trade WILL significantly affect our weather, were it not for the fact that fifty years from now – we will have run out of oil altogether…



“since when do they make soda pop from burnt methanol” – I’m not saying you SHOULD. And it is kerosine that is burnt, the chemical name for which is decane, because there are ten carbon atoms in the chain which makes the compound.



“once burned the vapors are highly carcinogenic” – No they are NOT. They sting the eyes, NOT AS BAD as a garden BONFIRE (which IS highly carcinogenic). Human beings HAVE BEEN SELECTED for their resistance to carcinogens over a million years of sitting beside fires.

“go stick your face behind a turbine” – HA! I’ve done it many times.

“think about how much 300 million TONS is” – you’re asking me to think? I’m the one that FOUND the figure…

“more than those 1500 volcanoes would weigh as a whole” – FANTASTICALLY WRONG. A million tons of VOLCANIC ASH stands in a CONE 240 FEET HIGH. Do you know of ANY VOLCANO that SMALL? I bet you DON’T.

“they do NOT produce 300 million tones of deadly gas per annum, but aircraft do” – WATER IS NOT A DEADLY GAS.

The volcanic output rates of steam, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and fine ash exceeds that of aircraft in particular, but comprise only 25% of the total (the rest comprising both Man’s activities and natural life-processes such as peat-bog decomposition, melting tundra conditions, natural forest fires, and endemic fungal activities). 


“smart enough not to call it a contrail” – CAN YOU READ?

“many chemtrails sprayed below 25,000 ft” – There hasn’t been a single instance showed on the thousands of YouTube videos on the subject.

“NWO handlers riding you too hard again?” – Yes, it’s dead tough. They’re using HAARP to throw a DEATH RAY up my backside. They’re bloody good shots to get right up my chuff from Alaska to Tenerife, but you know how it is…



It’s definitely a contrail.
Burning kerosine makes an equal amount of water.
The plane is in the stratosphere which is stable and clear all the time.
The stratosphere can hold in supersaturation (when very clean) an excess of water as vapor.
This excess can boost the density of the trail by up to 10,000 times.
So 10,000 times as much ICE as the engines make by burning kerosine may be visible to you.


It’s definitely not a “chemtrail”.
The gap between engine and trail evidences the invisible exhaust vapors and gases.
Metals don’t make invisible vapors – they’re used in fireworks.
So there are no metals in the exhaust.
ALL organic materials burn in a jet flame at 2000 degrees to produce that GAP, for carbon dioxide (invisible) and steam (invisible) is what they will make.
No metals. No organics. Just fuel and air.

shock diamonds

This isn't a jet exhaust: it's a methane/oxygen rocket exhaust!


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Morgellons” or “Morgellons disease,” is a controversial condition characterized by cutaneous symptoms, including crawling, biting, and stinging sensations; granules, threads, or black speck-like materials on or beneath the skin; and/or skin lesions. Some also report fatigue, mental confusion, short term memory loss, joint pain, and changes in vision. The CDC indicates the etiology of Morgellons is unknown and there is insufficient information to determine if persons who identify themselves as having Morgellons have a common cause for their symptoms, share common risk factors, or are contagious.


The etiology of this condition is unknown, and the medical community has insufficient information to determine whether persons who identify themselves as having this condition have a common cause for their symptoms or share common risk factors. An epidemiologic investigation is needed to better characterize the clinical and epidemiologic features of this condition; to generate hypotheses about factors that may cause or contribute to sufferers’ symptoms; and to estimate the prevalence of the condition in the population; and to provide information to guide public health recommendations.”
Morgellons disease is not a widely recognized medical diagnosis, and medical professionals’ opinions about Morgellons disease are divided. Some health professionals believe that Morgellons disease is a specific condition likely to be confirmed by future research. Some health professionals, including most dermatologists, believe that signs and symptoms of Morgellons disease are caused by common skin illnesses or psychological disorders such as delusional parasitosis. Other health professionals don’t acknowledge Morgellons disease or are reserving judgment until more is known about the condition.

It was first reported three hundred years ago. If that is so, one has to ask how the aircraft and the spray technology were supposed to have existed then?



“So really, it is about faith rather than debating the real evidence.” – joejoeirish, all I have seen IS faith. There has been NO REAL EVIDENCE. Assertions are NOT EVIDENCE. Pictures of “fluffy stuff” are NOT EVIDENCE.

What IS EVIDENT is that “fluffy stuff” CANNOT BE DEPLOYED AT ALL from aircraft, and WHITE PAINT PRODUCTS (barium and aluminum oxides) cannot be deployed except from VERY SPECIALIZED AIRCRAFT.

They would have to be MILITARY, and if you look at the annual military fuel usage and subtract from it the Iraq war fuel and aircraft carrier fuel and home-based fighter fuel, there is NOT ENOUGH FUEL LEFT to carry out this impossible concept. ONE DOSE of WHITE PAINT for coverage of the US (not even 2% of the Earth’s surface area) would involve 170,000 tons of WHITE PAINT and a heck of a lot of fuel.

You guys have to be as CLUELESS about LOGISTICS as you are about Earth’s atmosphere, Chemistry, and Biology. Why am I surprised? You don’t do LOGIC either!

The “fluffy stuff” you see is the many tons of fine crystals of ice produced by normal civil aircraft when they fly through saturated air.




The dew point (or dewpoint) of a given parcel of air is the temperature to which the parcel must be cooled, at constant barometric pressure, for water vapor to condense into water, called dew. When the dew point temperature falls below freezing it is called the frost point, as the water vapor no longer creates dew but instead creates frost or hoarfrost by deposition. The graph above shows the maximum percentage of water vapor that can exist in air at sea level across a range of temperatures. Note that with higher temperatures the equilibrium partial pressure of water vapor increases, thus more water evaporates. The behavior of water vapor does not depend on the presence of air. The formation of dew would occur at the dew point even if the only gas present were water vapor. Dew point is a monotonic function of the partial pressure of water vapor, so dew point can be determined from partial pressure of water vapor alone, and vice versa.


At a given barometric pressure, independent of temperature, the dew point indicates the mole fraction of water vapor in the air, or, put differently, determines the specific humidity of the air. If the barometric pressure rises without changing this mole fraction, the dew point will rise accordingly.

dew_drops spider_web

Reducing the mole fraction will bring the dew point back down to its initial value. In the same way, increasing the mole fraction after a pressure drop brings the dew point back up to its initial level. For this reason, the same dew point in New York and Denver (which is at a much higher altitude) will imply that a higher fraction of the air in Denver consists of water vapor than in New York.


On the other hand, at a given temperature but independent of barometric pressure, the dew point indicates the absolute humidity of the air. If the temperature rises without changing the absolute humidity, the dew point will rise accordingly. Reducing the absolute humidity will bring the dew point back down to its initial value. In the same way, increasing the absolute humidity after a temperature drop brings the dew point back up to its initial level. Coming back to the New York – Denver example, this means that if the dew point and temperature in both cities are the same, then the mass of water vapor per cubic meter of air will also be the same in those cities.


The dew point is associated with relative humidity. A high relative humidity indicates that the dew point is closer to the current air temperature. If the relative humidity is 100%, the dew point is equal to the current temperature. Given a constant dew point, an increase in temperature will lead to a decrease in relative humidity. It is for this reason that equatorial climates can have low relative humidity, yet still feel humid.


Humans tend to react with discomfort to high dew points. Those accustomed to continental climates often begin to feel uncomfortable when the dew point reaches between 15 and 20 °C (59 to 68 °F). Most inhabitants of these areas will consider dew points above 21 °C (70 °F) to be oppressive.

Dew Points
20+C (68F) Oppressive
18C (64F) Sticky
16C (61F) Humid
13C (55F) Comfortable
10C (50F) Refreshing
source: Mark Margarit WHDH-TV Boston Channel 7 Weather

Here is a formula to calculate the dew point in degrees Celsius to within ±0.4 °C. It is valid for

0 °C < T < 100 °C
0.01 < RH < 1.0
0 °C < Td < 50 °C


T = temperature in degrees Celsius
RH = is the relative humidity as a fraction (not percent)
Td = the dew point temperature to be calculated

The formula is:

T_d = frac {b gamma(T,RH)} {a – gamma(T,RH)}


gamma(T,RH) = frac {a T} {b+T} + ln RH


a = 17.27
b = 237.7 °C
ln is the natural logarithm.


There is also a very simple approximation which allows you to convert in your head between the dew point, the dry bulb temperature and the relative humidity, which is accurate to within about ±1 °C as long as the relative humidity is above 50%. This can be expressed as a simple rule of thumb: for every 1 °C difference in the dew point and dry bulb temperatures, the relative humidity decreases by 5%, starting with RH=100% when the dew point equals the dry bulb temperature. In equations this is:

T_d = T – frac {(100 – RH)} {5}


RH = 100 – 5(T – Td)

where in this case RH is in percent, and T and Td are in degrees Celsius. The derivation of this, a discussion of its accuracy, comparisons to other approximations, and more information on the history and applications of the dew point are given in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

In Fahrenheit

Tf_d = Tf – frac {(100 – RH)} {3.333}

For example, a relative humidity of 100% means dew point is same as air temp. For 90% RH dew point is 3 degrees Fahrenheit lower than air temp.

For every 10 percent lower, dew point drops 3 deg.

Tf_d is in Fahrenheit RH same as above.

Alternatively, there are a number of moisture sensing retail products available which measure relative humidity. 




“another disinformation theory I heard” – SCIENCE ISN’T DISINFORMATION. If your enemy uses SCIENCE to KILL you, it WILL work.

“protect us from sonar waves.. like HAARP” – A large sonar wave (NOISE) would KILL the guy that turned it on.  There’s NO WAY that HAARP’s technology can do this. There is NO magic.

“Russians are being sprayed madly” – Ah, private enterprise and cheap air travel makes for WHITE SKIES.

“had my gutfull there for a month” – Soda water has NEVER been recommended for improving commonsense, and it didn’t work in your case either.

“way too high amounts of heavy metals in EU food/liver cancer” – Well, that MAY be a revelation to you, but I’ve known that for forty years. If you want to eat SAFE food, DO NOT USE (or allow your suppliers to use) WESTERN “AGRICULTURE” FARMING METHODS. Eat PROVEN ORGANIC FOOD, or GROW IT YOURSELF. I can’t see what this has to do with “chemtrails”.

Except that, of course, ALL the claimed symptoms of chemtrails are the result of a poisoned diet, a poisoned water, and the locally poisoned air which you breathe.

Perhaps the more responsible thing for you to do would be to ANALYZE THOSE.


Automatic contamination detection

Checklight—part of the Whitewater Technology Group—has introduced a monitoring system for municipalities and water utilities that automatically detects water contamination—alerting the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system within minutes. CheckLight’s state-of-the-art technology uses nonpathogenic luminous marine bacteria as early-detection sensors. Operating automatically, CheckLight’s exceptionally fast, reliable, and cost-effective solution provides real-time, on-line monitoring, and enables flexible, unlimited expansion through the simple addition of monitoring units. Composed of numerous monitoring units—located at monitoring stations throughout the water system, and seamlessly integrated with the SCADA system—CheckLight’s solution performs continuous automatic monitoring of water quality at various points in the system, sending immediate alerts if there are problems. Enabling comprehensive coverage of large areas, the system is exceptionally sensitive to very low concentrations of a wide range of toxic chemical agents, provides reliable and consistent results, and requires minimum maintenance and on-site visits. CheckLight’s technology uses natural luminescent bacteria as early-warning biosensors, positioned inside the monitoring stations. If water is contaminated, the bacteria react by reducing emitted light, which immediately generates an automatic contamination alert. Rather than monitoring and analyzing the changing values of various parameters, bacteria respond directly in real time to a wide range of dangerous contaminants by simply dimming or turning off the light. CheckLight offers broad-spectrum biomonitoring solutions for drinking water. The company currently offers a manual kit providing early warning of water contamination. For more information, visit www.w-water.com.



with 4 comments



Don’t forget my other pages, links and comments are one click away at the top right of the page…




“disinfo” – once again well-known, well-reported ESTABLISHED ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE is DESCRIBED AS DISINFO.

“contrails do not remain” – BUT THEY CAN. The air has only to be SATURATED or SUPERSATURATED for them to REMAIN.

“if they do they’re a chemtrail” – IF THEY DO, THE AIR IS SATURATED. Unfortunately for ALL OF US, you take THAT as PROOF of a “chemtrail”. It’s the ONLY “PROOF” you have – so sad.

“Chemtrails remain because there is particulate matter in them” – DUSTS PUT JET ENGINES OUT –

“since not enough moisture to keep contrail present at high altitudes, disappears within a minute” – Ah, some detail in your ignorance. The fine ice crystal “smoke” of the contrail will SUBLIME into the -40 deg air if the air is NOT SATURATED. But the air may SATURATED or even SUPERSATURATED. There’s NO WAY YOU CAN TELL FROM THE GROUND, for ALL DEGREES OF SATURATION ARE TRANSPARENT.

“Your science is crap” – It isn’t MY science. It’s ESTABLISHED ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE. 




The first thing you do is start with a common occurrence – an allergic reaction to cedar pollen. Then you “build in” the precursors (some direct lie) to throw the listener off-track. Then you can supply lots of misinformation (“yellow dusts sprayed from aircraft”) and propagate chemtrail disinformation. Here is a case in point:

This is a comment by WATCHER on the post “How long do contrails last?” by Uncinus in Contrailscience.com:

“In 2006 a plane dumped something in our area (Cedar Glen). It was a large yellow cloud that exploded leaving behind a sticky yellow reside on my car and property. Although it looked like cedar pollen, it was in Dec. so no chance of it being that.


Following that…there was a high rate of illness reported by doctors in the area. Paul Moyer on NBC 4 did a report on it as well, with no explanation other than “oh well….we’ll keep you posted”. I watched four days ago as the planes criss crossed in the sky, coloring the sky white. It rained the next day and I got the headaches that felt like an ice pick stabbing me in the inner ear. I have been around for a long time and do not remember anything like these planes trails or headaches of this severity when I was growing up until the late 90’s. I would never have paid attention until I noticed the illnesses in conjunction with the planes.”

From Ezine Articles – http://ezinearticles.com/?Cedar-Fever-What-Is-It—How-Do-You-Get-It—Home-Remedies-For-Cedar-Fever&id=380719

“The disease cedar fever is not actually a fever. This disease is a kind of allergy. The allergic reaction is accompanied by watery and itchy eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. Most of the time, this also causes itchiness inside the ears. Cedar fever is caused by the pollen from the commonly known mountain cedar tree, although this tree is actually juniper (juniperus ashei). This disease is a seasonal disease. This means that many individuals get this disease on only certain seasons of the year.


The usual season for cedar fever would be December to January, when the cyclic pollination of trees occur. The pollens are released by the trees and scattered by the winds. Once the pollen from the tree is inhaled, it may cause an undesirable effect on cedar allergic persons.

Many persons are are prone to allergies. The allergic reactions to certain things are caused by an oversensitive immune system. The oversensitive immune system leads to an increased (but unnecessary) immune response. The body’s immune system usually protects itself against harmful chemicals, bacteria and viruses. The allergic reaction occurs when the immune system reacts to a stimulant (an allergen) that usually does not do harm most people.

As noted above, cedar fever involves an allergic reaction to pollen. A virtually identical reaction occurs with allergy to mold, dust, and other allergens that can be inhaled. Other small particles on the air, especially in polluted air, can greatly aggravate the disease of cedar fever.”




“make your own doco” – WATCH THIS SPACE.




“substances reflect sunlight” – THE ICE IN A CONTRAIL DOES THIS.

“So what if you’re sick” – YOUR DIET, CITY SMOGS, POLLENS DO THIS.



“prozac is a better name for it” – NOT AT ALL.


“your ignorance is disgusting and vile” – GET AWAY FROM THE MIRROR. 

DOUBLEMEAT’S LIST (fantastic!)



“For days when it’s dry.” – Then you haven’t appreciated the fundamental difference between the troposphere and the stratosphere. The troposphere is frictionally-bound to the earth’s surface, and also locked by thermals which become cumulus clouds. The air in the troposphere is always turbulently mixing. It is the BOUNDARY LAYER of the surface of the Earth.


The stratosphere slides over it at greatly differing speeds and directions. Its overall ground speed is typically higher. Being layered, it gets its pressure potentials (its reason to move) from greater distances away, sometimes hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles away. That’s why particular layers are sometimes given the name JET STREAMS by pilots; when they stand out as having a particularly high speed and unusual direction.

From my description you can easily infer that what you experience in the troposphere has nothing whatsoever to do with what you see in the stratosphere. At their boundary the gases do not mix except at rates of normal gaseous diffusion.

And this condition remains even after “days when it’s dry”.

The absolute reverse can also be true: the conditions in the troposphere  are violent, stormy and wet, while up above in the stratosphere  the conditions are BONE DRY, AND THERE’S NO SIGN OF CONTRAILS ANYWHERE. 


“People are dying” – And being born.

“Respiration problems, CANCERS/blah/DEATHS RISING” – The population’s rising

“persists” – People persist

“obvious cover up government/media” – Not so. Thinking people know that CONNECTING events isn’t THAT easy

“If you really had a clue when it came to Science, then you wouldn’t be posting this crap” – Take a look in the mirror before you write

“So the proof is what comes out of your mouth. You are an evil person for promoting what the government is doing to its citizens and you should be tried just like the Nazis were in the Nuremberg Trials for the atrocities you and others like you are trying to cover up”

And those LIES you write here in a continuous stream are the reason for my responses. Your INDUSTRIES are POISONING your groundwater, your FOOD is DENATURED and POLLUTED, your air is thick with POLLEN, AUTO FUMES, and PHOTOCHEMICAL SMOGS, RADIOACTIVE A-BOMB PRODUCTS, elevated levels of UV RADIATION, you live in IGNORANCE, LIES, FEAR, and STRESS, and instead of ADDRESSING THESE PRESSING PROBLEMS, your LOOSE THINKING connects with persistent vapor trails and CONCOCTS a massive genocidal goverment campaign, and an actionable libel to boot, all without a SHRED of EVIDENCE.

You really DO have the government you deserve…
